Previously this was a common technique I used and taught in many of my workshops. But since the recent updates, possibly 16.1, the functionality/process no longer works the same.
Here is a common sequence that is now missing.
1) Make active selection on a layer with a full image on it. (start with a lasso, marquee, whatever)
2) Using the move tool, hold option and drag a floating copy of that selected area
3) While it's in this temporary state, "floating", Transform, distort, flip, etc, of that floating set of pixels
4) Apply transformation (don't deselect), but while still floating switch to the patch tool.
5) Set to destination, and push floating selection to area you wish to composite/blend into.
Traditionally at this point, it would act like a patch tool push of pixels and blend into the target area as a nice composite but with the alterations it would apply with the modified appearance. This was great for taking one tree and making it many trees, clouds, street lights, etc...
But now, it just disappears...
No blend, no result, nothing.