There is a problem in the latest photoshop and in the BETA version. The Info panel options window does not work correctly. The total ink setting does not work. Also the CMYK option does not show. It shows in RGB all the time. Please fix this because we cannot work. Best regards
Reset preferences does not fix the issue. Any color space image.
PS 26.4.0 M3 Mac Book Pro OSX 15.3.1 Selecting Lab to from Info panel options for either first or second color readout dispolays CMYK values in the info palette. Selecting CMYK displays HSL (not an option). Selecting HSB displays HSB
Other modes seem to work correctly. RGB > RGB, etc.
After updating to Photoshop version 26.4.1, info pannel does not show LAB readings when in other color mode. It is automacialy set to CMYK also when I reaply First / Second Color Readout under Info panel->Panel Options. It is a crucial setting when doing color correction / inspection.
The old version works. The newest 26.4.1 doesn't. Things like this are why I don't like upgrading. Always new and unpleasant suprprises with Adobe updates!
I was experiencing the same problem. Open the info panel, intending to explore image with eye dropper. Using info panel fly-out menu panel options, I tried to set the second color to LAB color but the display showed CMYK. The workaround is to use the eyedropper pull down (in the info panel) and select LAB which is then the displayed color model. I'm using Ps 26.4.1 on a Mac Studio running macOS Sequoia 15.3.1. (I still have last year's Ps installed and it was not experiencing the same problem.)
There seems to have been some change distributed. I've always done manual update installation. Somehow, CC got reset to auto-update. Sadly, Adobe has a long history of using their customers to trap code regressions. While performance has improved in recent years, there are still too many customer-found regressions. I've always taken the point of view to hold-off on any new release for at least a couple of weeks before deploying on my machines, hoping that the worst case regressions while have been found by that time. I turned OFF auto-update in CC and will check to make sure it stays that way.