I just updated Photoshop and the Remove Tool is not working and it has a black smudge whereever I paint the effect, hope if it's a bug then it gets fixed soon...thanks and if you have any solution then please help
Mohit Goyal • Adobe Employee, Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Hi all,
We are happy to announce the release of Photoshop version 25.2, which incorporates the resolution for this particular problem. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
I hope that Adobe has noted, there are TWO DIFFERENT PROBLEMS with the remove tool now being reported on this thread. I hate that the "smudge" problem didn't get it's own thread. This topic began with users reporting an error "Could not complete your request because of a program error" when attempting to even select the remove tool.
@CShubert I hope that this original problem was also relayed to Adobe?
oops I see now that the original post was about the smudge. Sorry!!! I still hope that the problem with error message ""Could not complete your request because of a program error" got reported. Almost seems too late to begin a separate thread for this? I dunno. I just want to abe able to use this tool!
Hello - Thank you for all the information and reports. Please continue to report, send examples, and system info. We are aware of more than one issue with the Remove tool as you noted: Black/Tan Smudge = this thread Program error =
MeredithStotzner, not to be a pain in the patoot, but a huge part of the recent confusion is that these two threads have been merged--the link you just posted for the Program Error discussion takes us right back to this Smudge discussion. Many of us from the Program Error discussion have expressed dismay at the confusion this has caused and I do think we do feel a bit discarded by it. I doubt there's a way to untangle us now, but I sure wish there was.
With due respect, there is a solution. Your colleagues already solved this bug. Program error bug was in beta 24.4 version too. Even in beta version. If you could just ask a colleague who was working on update how did he fixed it. And then ask a colleague who was working on 24.6 beta version which of 24.5 did he use while working on 24.6. Did he use or as starting point?
Okay , so we have got the latest update Beta 25.0 and 24.7 , neither of them fix the issues . Looks like the issue isn't getting fixed anytime soon . At this point , doesn't look like we are getting fixes anytime soon .
Looks like buying a new CPU is the only way for you to " fix " this .
^sorry for the repeat , typing that on the phone . Anyway , I was testing the new photoshop version on a new PC ( with new cpu ) and the remove tool is working just fine ... so yea tough luck for all the ryzen 3000 owners .
Just updated to 25...so far, so good. Would have been nice of someone to let us know here, as I had no intention of updating past the functional beta version until things were fixed.
Okay , in my previous post I have stated that it still doesn't work in the latest update.
My apology , apparently I was very wrong . So I saw you guys were saying the latest beta 25.0 has remove tool working again . I installed mine and it doesn't work ( for some reason , maybe because it wasn't a fresh install ) . I got fed up and just uninstalled the entire photoshop ( both beta and non beta) & the creation cloud app altogether .
2 days later , I re-installed PS beta again , setting processing to " more stable " , remove tool is working again in the latest 25.0 ! Finally the app can work together with AI generative filler . The changes it bring is revolutionary .
I just want to thank everyone who was having problem , taking their time to report the issue . And of course , to all the adobe staff as well , for finally fixing it . You have no idea the amount of time it will save me from doing more work , A big Thank you to all of you lovely ppl !
I was kinda glad i was not the only one and I dont write in chats like this but would like to say Im also having the same issue with the remove tool not working. It gives me the same message "Could not complete your request because of a program error. when ive tried everything the same things and checked my system thoroughly. I was worried because it would crash photoshop when I cliked on the remove tool and then it started to crash on me as soon as I opened photoshop so after uninstalling photoshop again its not crashing on me but the message is still there when trying to use the tool. I also have a AMD Ryzen 7 37000x with a Gpu AMD Radeon RX 55700 XT a motherboard x570 aorus elite. I did check the beta and that works for me.
STRADA31520078t9zb, Beta 25 is working again as you've discovered, but the fix hasn't trickled down to the release version that I know of. I think we're all figuring it's a matter of time. (Certainly we're *hoping!*)
(Sorry, whenever I use the @, even with a period in front of it, it disappears my post, so...no @s for me!)