I have attached a close-up image of the problem. As you can see there are a few layers of type, and some graphics behind it. The font I used is very common (Cooper Black) and the blue letter "r" in the middle of the screen is missing a row of pixels. Notice that the "r" behind it is the same font, but perfectly fine.
Obviously type in Photoshop shouldn't be doing this. I have noticed it with a number of fonts in Photoshop, but I've even seen it happen when I place smart objects from Illustrator. If I move the problem layer, sometimes it goes away, but more often it doesn't. Sometimes other portions of the layer will lose a row of pixels instead.
Now this problem may seem minor, since it is only one row pixels, but if you apply a layer style, such as a bevel, it acts as if those pixels are supposed to be that way. Therefore you have a bevel wrapping around that one row of missing pixels.
I have tried creating PDFs out of these files, and the problem still exists after the export. This makes printing a huge pain, because I have to go in with a brush and fix the problem layers before I print. This is something I have never had to do in past versions of Photoshop.
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