In Photoshop 19.1.6 exporting a Sperical Panorama from the 3D menu as a TIFF results in an unreadable file. As a workaround the file can be exported as a PSD then reopened andSaved as a TIFF, but the direct export is not working
Hi I received an email regarding this issue saying that Adobe's Daniel Presedo had posted here asking for further info.
The platform is Windows 10 and this was reported in CC2018 but continues in CC2019 (v20.0.0 r.24)
To reproduce : 1. Open a single layer file 2. Use menu 3D > Spherical Panorama > New Panorama Layer from Selected layer 3. Use menu 3D > Spherical Panorama > Export Panorama 4. Select TIFF as the file type and then click the Save button
A TIFF file is created
5. Try and open that TIFF file
The result is an error message "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document"