So every now and then I can't move my canvas.
I press space and click and drag the canvas and it moves but flashes at the same time, going back where it was when done (so not actually moving). It reminds me of what happens when using a mouse but having a pen on a graphics tablet roll around. I accidentally clicked it while the brush tool was active and it scribbled all over the screen, which makes me think something is going on with where it thinks the mouse is.
This happens both when a tablet (Intuos 3) is connected and when one is not. The only fix is to restart, then it's fine until it isn't again. Photoshop is the ONLY program showing this issue, my mouse and tablet work fine in Illustrator and outside of Photoshop. It's very frustrating so I hope someone can help.
Video of issue
Windows 10 64 bit version 25.11 Was doing on previous version also.