I realize this is not the answer to your problem, but if you are in a pinch while waiting for the answer, have you tried saving your Photoshop file as a pdf and printing it from Acrobat? It might help you to print while waiting f--especially if you are able to print from other programs.
I am glad to hear that you can print. We can adjust the settings in Photoshop when you create the pdf to give you better color and better quality. Here are the settings I use if I am saving out a pdf from Photoshop.
When you choose Save As PDF from the Photoshop Save As Menu, in the General Panel, at the top, choose PDF/X-1a:2001. You can actually try the many different presets to see if one works better than the one I am showing you here. You might try High Quality (if you did not use that one before.)
Then Click on Output: I usually choose Sheetfed Coated because it is the closest to what I am going to print on. If you see an option foryour Printer, you might also be able to choose that. I realize this is not solving your original problem, but I hope it will be a good work around for you.
Once you try these options, let us know if the output is a higher quality and if the color is any better, or if you have any quesitons.
Thank you for your help. However, I was really hoping someone would find a solution to my problem. Although your idea works, it is certainly cumbersome. William H. Brown
Most peculiar!! It printed the "virgin" document just fine. In addition, when I printed the old document that I was having trouble with, that worked just fine! Image was very dark, though. I need to adjust my printer settings, I guess. Thank you. If you have any idea why this worked, please let me know. William H. Brown
Most peculiar!! It printed the "virgin" document just fine. In addition, when I printed the old document that I was having trouble with, that worked just fine!
I was thinking that there might be some print metadata in the original file that was conflicting, which holding down the spacebar while selecting print should have cleared.
If the original doc still had issues printing, I was going to suggest:
1) Image > Duplicate
2) Select all layers, then Layer > Duplicate Layers: New Document