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I'd been trying to get some feedback from the guys at Adobe regarding this, but seems like no one has seen or heard this pleas. I'm currently using a Surface Pro 3 to work on Photoshop, and while I really appreciate the fact that Adobe introduced the 200% scaling option, it's really too big to do anything productively. It's definitely usable, but is it the best scaling? I would really hope 150% scaling option to be added as well. So we could toggle between it base on our preference.
What do you guys think?
1 Correct answer
The way this is supposed to work now, is that Photoshop UI scaling automatically follows the Windows setting, in 25% increments.
The crucial point is that the image window itself maintains independent scaling, so that 100% still means one image pixel represented by exactly one screen pixel. This is what's new, and this is what has been difficult to implement before. This is what took so long.
Note that this requires Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, and it does not work on Windows 7 or 8.
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All I want for Christmas is 150 scaling. What is taking this so long?
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Another vote for 150% - running it on a 13" HP Spectre.
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Photoshop UI be like...
150% pretty, pretty please
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In the meantime, anyone know how to change the UI font to comic sans?
+1E+24 Votes
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Quite frankly, we all simply want the software developers to have done their due diligence and ensured that Photoshop works on all modern machines and popular operating systems. In the meantime, I suggest that Adobe does two things: 1) alert all major retailers to the problem so that they advise customers appropriately; 2) post a very clear warning on their own website so that we are aware of the problem when considering buying the software. The resulting loss in trade to Adobe and other companies might then exert sufficient pressure to resolve the issue, rather than putting out inadequate scaling fixes.
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I also need the 150% Option!
Working with a Dell 31" 4k Display: 200% is too big, 100% way too small.
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I posted in this thread in August 2016. By December 2016 I had given up trying to use Photoshop on my 15" HD laptop screen, and bought a pair of 24" HD (1920x1080) monitors and now only do Photoshop work at my desk. It is a joke that I had to invest in less advanced technology, and have to be tethered to my desk, in order to use this program comfortably.
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2017... still no answer to your customers, talking about the problem....
We need to know why this issue has not been solved, in order to understand the delay of the solution.
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We neeeed 150%!
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Agree... Adobe you suck!
I run dual screens at 3840 x 2160 and 200% operating on two separate Nvidia Quadro K2200 cards looks like I am drawing with crayons. Not to mention when there is any kind of selection active the entire interface is reduced to a crawl..
This is unacceptable... Autodesk seemed to get it right, whats up Adobe?????
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Agreed. 150% UI would be really appreciate Adobe.
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Need 125% and 150% UI!
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After this length of time I've given up on Adobe expending the tiny effort required to make this happen.
I have a low-end 3D 'hobbyist' app which I use occasionally. I can scale the user interface by practically anything I like (currently at 127%), a feature they introduced because a few people told them it would be useful. There's nothing complicated about it, it just works.
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What 3D app?
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I just downloaded Photoshop CC 2017 trial and this small UI is the first thing I noticed. Can't believe this thread is two years old and nothing was done yet.
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bump. 150% needed.
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Our company just got a dozen brand new 4k displays and we use Adobe products on (nearly) all of them. This 150% scaling option is sorely needed; no other (third party) solution seems to give wanted results.
Adobe, please do not ignore this thread and please accommodate us with higher DPI displays!
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Just to sum up all the posts here. As one of them said:
I don't see why Photoshop wouldn't follow the applied OS (Windows 8.1) UI Scaling setting like all other apps do...
There is a reason for this. Almost any other application can just scale everything up. UI, document window, the whole thing, all in one go. Done.
Photoshop is a special case, because it has to treat UI and document window differently. It cannot scale up the document window - it has to remain at 100% where one image pixel is represented by one screen pixel.
Those who can't grasp the significance of this - stop and consider the Photoshop user base. This isn't an app primarily used for web design. This is a professional tool for photographers, print designers, medical and forensic workers. It is used by scientists and researchers. Photoshop has to display accurately, it cannot allow any random pixel scaling of the image.
So this is the problem, and this is why it requires special operating system support. 200% scaling is easy to do - just map one image pixel to four screen pixels. 150% is a different animal.
Yes, 150% UI scaling is highly useful and massively requested. Rest assured they're working on it. It's just not as simple as it sounds.
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This doesn't make sense to me.
1. they had more than 2 years to fix this.
2. Every other Adobe program on PC does it correctly! Even After effects, and Premiere etc works fine, and they also need to show images in 100%. even if the UI is a different size.
3. Photoshop on Mac does it perfectly fine, the way it should be. So this is an isolated incident in Photoshop on Windows only!
And not the least... I'm currently running a hack! on my machine which forces Photoshop to disable the HiDPI scaling and just let Windows run it's own autoscale of the old non "retina" UI. And the most tragic thing is, this actually works BETTER (!!!) than what Adobe has managed to implement themselves. So if they were planning to use many years to fix this flawed feature, they should just have not made it in the first place.
So I don't see any reason why we have any reason to step back and think that this is acceptable, because its not. And it's something I'm getting daily complaint from this forum to my inbox, so it shouldn't exactly be a low priority fix.
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what hack are you using? you have a link?
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This: Adobe App Scaling on High DPI Displays (FIX) | Dan Antonielli
It makes Photoshop scale UI as if the feature was never there and windows just scales it. At least it works better than the useless implementation Adobe has to offer.
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Oh I've tried this, the problem is that using this hack the interface becomes blurry when it gets scaled. Adobe, for the love of god, update this program to have 150% scaling. We are sick of reporting issues and being ignored.
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Well for me it works better than without. I came to learn to use only my wacom Cintiq when using Photoshop, but even then in 1920X1080 resolution, the hack works better than native Photoshop, because then in 100% UI scaling fonts etc in the file menu still are too big. The whole Photoshop UI HiDPI is a complete disaster and there's really nothing we can do but learn to live with it. Since Adobe obviously don't care. They said they are working on it, but I highly doubt that, nobody in their right mind can spend 3 years fixing such a thing like this.