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I have been using a set of actions for years with no problems. Yesterday 1 action within the set stopped working? all the others are working fine. I have deleted the set and reloaded. The maker of the actions sent me a new set and the 1 action still will not work? any ideas?
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Hi @joanne29158371lvdg what exactly is the issue with the action? Does it have a save or save as function?
If so, have you checked Preferences/File Handling and made sure "Enable Legacy Save As" is checked?
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I'm not sure? Baisically it is used for adding warmth to skin tones. I simply click on it and with my brush apply where needed. But now instaed of adding warmth it is just lightening the image.
I have just looked in preferences/file handling but cant see 'enable legacy save as'?
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Hi, is it an action with a save step ? See this thread:
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Hi @joanne29158371lvdg it is not clear from your post if the action just does nothing, throws an error, etc. please help us help you, what is it supposed to do?
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i'm sorry, should have been more clear.
Baisically it is used for adding warmth to skin tones. I simply click on it and with my brush apply where needed. But now instaed of adding warmth it is just lightening the image.
This action is part of a set, the others in the set are working but not this one (actually i always used to use my brush as 30% to add these actions but now i need to use brush at 60%)
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What version of Photoshop are you running?
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photoshop cc
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Hi @joanne29158371lvdg what version number 24.3?
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Maybe the action expects a normal blending mode on the image, or its layer group, and your image is set differently? can you share a screenshot? Is the mask or an adjustment layer targeted, rather than an image layer? is the image in RGB?
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thank you for your help. I have fixed the problem.
In adjustments the 'clip to layer' was on. Not sure wht that would only affect certain actions and not others?