All Menu Items Greyed Out CS5
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Everytime I use Photoshop CS5, at some point all of the menu items get greyed out and don't come back unless I quit and reopen Photoshop. There doesn't seem to be anything that triggers it.
All the keyboard shortcut and the mouse and tools work fine, but I can't select any of the menu items in the dropdowns in the menu bar (Photoshop, File, Edit, Image, etc)
This is obviously very annoying...any ideas?
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I'm having this problem as well. After having CS4 crash constantly on my macbook, I was happy to get into CS5, but now I am havng the menus ALL greyed out. I think I notice it happening mostly after I command+S (to save my work) but I will pay attention in the future to see if anything else specifically triggers it.
The only fix is completely shutting down CS5 and reopening. This will become a hassle.
Has there been any news of what this is or if a fix will be available.
I am using OS 10.5.8 Leopard on a macbook
No plug-ins. No modifications. No imports from CS4
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Has there been any news of what this is or if a fix will be available.
It's an event problem in Cocoa. We're really not sure what triggers it, and we can't reproduce it reliably to debug it.
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Command + S did it. I resized canvas (resize was done from the menus so they were working OK) and saved with command + S. Then clicked to next document in different window and wanted to resize canvas with that one too. All the menus were gray.
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Just to add that it occurred the first, or second time, I booted PhotoShop CS5 on a new i7 10.6.3 machine. All menus without exception were greyed. I discovered it trying Cmd O which didn't work. After a moment being stunned, then stumped, I just instinctively hit the Cmd Q as a last ditch before reaching for the force quit in the Apple menu and was surprised to find it responded to that keyboard command and quit. Since then (and so far) it's been fine.
I'm desparately trying to think which other app in the Premium Suite did it on first boot too. I think it was Illustrator though I cannot be certain. By then I'd seen it before and dismissed it as "oh that again". The same applied - Cmd Q and reboot = been fine since.
I had installed CS4 on the same brand new machine (no migration so I know it was a 'clean' machine) just the month before. The CS5 suite was an upgrade as opposed to a new install. I'd not done anything to customise PhotoShop CS4 during the month, as I knew I'd be getting the upgrade and my work was mostly in the other apps.
The other apps in the Premium Suite haven't done this particular party trick to me... yet.
Whether this tells anyone anything, or helps point the way to the 'cocoa event', I don't know, but I thought I'd add my experience just incase it does help. Is there anywhere where this might be recorded? I'm pretty confident with the Mac and happy to supply info.
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We think we found the smoking gun for this problem just yesterday (the progress bar).
We're working on it now.
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Any updates on this? I have the same issue on 2 different os x machines and its killing me.
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It's close. We're in the final stages of testing the update.
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Great to hear!
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Just a quick question:
Will the update just be a part of the regular adobe updates that become available to our software, or will we have to specifically download a patch?
Sidenotes: I am noticing that it is just happening occasionally after a cmnd+S typically in larger documents. I am happy that I am still able to save my work before restarting CS5 so I don't lose anything, but I will be thrilled with an update that patches this little nuisance. It doesn't happen ALL the time, but it happens enough!!
Thank you for the feedback and working on the problem!
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It will become available as part of the regular updater. Photoshop will give you a notification that an update is available, or you will be able to get it by choosing Help>Updates once it becomes available.
You are describing exactly how it happens. The Save progress dialog on large files/slow drives triggers it.
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I have a very specific version of this problem. Sometimes, especially after I expand my canvas to add a white border that I then want to stroke, I'm unable to select all, either with a keyboard shortcut or with the menu. When I pull down the menu, the select all command is not available. If I back up, before expanding my canvas, I am able to select all and stroke. I am not in a mode that should prevent me from doing this, and have a normal layer as my active one. I've been using PS for enough years to know that this is not the normal behavior. After a restart, it is sometimes fine. Occasionally, a second restart is required to fix the problem.
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Glad I am not the only one, because then it would be me and not the program.
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I get the same problem on Windows Professional x64 using Adobe Photoshop 64bit
I have 8GB of Ram and 512MB Nvidia 8800GTS Video Card.
I noticed the problem 1st when 3D menu would come and go as I went into Photoshop a few times..
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This is the Macintosh forum, and the menus graying out was a Macintosh specific bug.
So I doubt you have the same problem.
The 3D menu can be grayed out because your video card driver isn't capable of using the 3D features (can be intermittent if it returns errors).
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I know it is a Mac Forum but I figured I'd let you know that it is occurring across the board, oddly enough it works fine using the 32bit version and not the 64bit version of Photoshop. 3D works sometimes and doesn't the next..comes and goes time to time really random haven't got a clue.
I updated my drivers for my card, and got the latest updates from Adobe same problem. I even tried restarting, deleting my preferences and nothing had any effect.
I even attached a link to a video of me having this problem so you can see for yourself there is something going on that is really wrong.
- I am originally in Photoshop 32bit (You can see the 3D Menu on the top + in the performance it recognizes the Card)
- Then I go into CS5 Adobe Photoshop 64Bit (You do not see the Video card being detected) <-- That may be an issue
- Then I go back to 32bit to show I'm not kidding
Here is the video:
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Actually, this problem was driving me crazy until by chance I realized that I had to be in Standard Screen Mode for the Menu items to show up. Give it a try. Just hit the “F” key to get back to the Standard Screen Mode.
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Thank you.
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Well..... any progress on the problem yet as I just lost another 1/2 hour worth of work? I have a rather large file with many layers that takes over a minute to save so saving it every 10 minutes is getting VERY tedious and losing work is getting even more so. Oh yea, this time since I could not save it I tried playing with the different options that I could still use, like the change of floating vs. full vs blacked out. Well after clicking Photoshop gave up and crashed.
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The menu grayed out problem was solved back in June with the 12.0.1 release of Photoshop.
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I know that. I haven't complained. I was very happy that Adobe listened. I am content first and process later. Thank you.
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Solved? Not sure about that. It may have been reduced but I'm still having the problem. Anyone else?
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Don, which OS? Are you sure you have the 12.0.1 update? We haven't had any complaints since we released the update so there may be something different going on for you.
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10.6.4 and all Adobe products are up to date. I'm running a 2008 2.8ghz Octo with 12 gigs of RAM. If you are not hearing of anyone else I may have to try a new install or run the hardware test on my memory. I just had a memory riser card blow out a chip and replaced the card so maybe I need to check my memory.
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Having the same problem; grateful to see that it's being (been?) addressed. I'm on a Mac Pro Quad Core, OS 10.5.8, with 4 GB of RAM. My gray out problem with the menu functions occurs once every day or two, and I'm working long hours in Photoshop CS5 these days. The syndrome is much like it's been described above ( I am working in standard screen mode).
Here's the kicker: I've tried twice to download the Photoshop 12.0.4 upgrade, but both times I get the message "Mounting failed." What the @#$%^? Please help.
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Hi Arty you replied to an ancient thread but in any case I was able to solve this problem by entering in the correct serial. You may need to deactivate your product and reactivate it by entering in your serial again. Somehow with the demo verison I had originally installed than unistalling and using my purchased Adobe product it failed to activate as the demo days or something was keeping the product active though you had already entered in the serial.
So to sum it up, try deactivating the product and re-entering/re-activating the product thats what fixed it for me...but your on a mac and I was on windows.