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My problem is very much the same as people have already asked YEARS ago like this one: Color picker lag in Photoshop CC These issues remain unanswered as if all are totally indifferent to people having such problems...
The problem is that after installing Windows 10 I noticed a considerable lag in using ALT key for color picking while I'm drawing with a Brush tool. It takes more time than before to take the color (when the color is really changed on the left panel) and that lag is really irritating. If I do it as before, as I usually did (without so much waiting) then the brush tool is activated and I have a brush mark in the place I wanted to take a color sample from! So releasing an ALT key results in un undesirable brush spot that spoils all the work! It slows down the work considerably especially when you a CG artsit and need to blend colors quickly, taking fast color samples from nearby areas, not spotting them with brush spots of the other color!
What I've tried so far to save you time and not give useless advice:
Reinstalled PS
Reinstalled Wacom drivers
Increased performance for PS (decreased History states, increased memory used and added more scratch disks, turned off GPU)
Updated PS through CC
Created PSUserConfig.txt as many forums suggested
Turned off using Windows ink
Disabled press and hold for right clicking as well as using the pen button as a right click equivalent.
Tried PS on my laptop (so as to exclude keyboard problem with ALT pushing), laptop also has Win10
All that didn't help at all...
Please do not say the problem is in my PS and its probable performance, my friend has weaker performance on his PC but he doesn't have this problem.
Please do not write that the problem is on the Windows software side, it probably is but I'm asking for real advice here!
Adobe, will you answer this question this time? Anyone having suggestions on what else can be done? That seems like a curse and a simple delay totally ruins my work and makes working in PS unpleasant to its full...
1 Correct answer
I managed to solved the lag by disabling windows ink in such a way that keeps your pen pressure. Here's the article i used:
hope this helps you and anyone who reads this
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I was having this exact problem. The solution was to disable the press and hold setting in the flicks menu. I'm using Windows 10. Here's the process:
- Type "flicks" into Windows Start Menu search.
- Select "Turn flicks on or off".
- From "Pen Actions" select "Press and hold" and hit the settings button.
- Uncheck 'Enable press and hold for right clicking".
- Hit OK.
- Make sure you hit "Apply".
Using Alt to sample colors should hopefully be snappy once more. I imagine the flicks settings are intended for tablet PCs, like the Surface? Unfortunately they seem to apply by default to Wacom tablets and the like.
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This unfortunately didn't help for me. I even turned off 'Use pen as right-click equivalent' - still the same lag. It gets worse when sampling ring is turned on. Come on Adobe, I just ported from a smooth running CS5 and CC2022 is like this? People are praying for a fix on this. Please give us digital painters one.
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Didn't work for me, even tapped off the 'Use the pen button as right click equivalent.' Boot didn't work.
What DID WORK was resetting preferences of exit.
This eyedropper lag problem keeps coming back to me now and then. Can't be resetting my preferences all the time.
I just ported from a smooth running CS5 and the CC2022 is rife with problems like this. This issue shoud be fixed like people are praying here.
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it helped, thank you so much
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That finally helped, thanks so much
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Hey guys I know this is an old thread, but I think I found a few pretty quick and easy solutions that (at least for me) work like a charm.
The problem is that windows uses the ALT key as a built-in shortcut that selects things in your menu bar at the top (you can see this if you hold down alt. 'File' and 'edit' etc, all get underlined) it's this windows shortcut that messes up the photoshop colour picker, as well as many other tools in other adobe products.
Two extremely quick, temporary, ways to avoid this problem is to either:
1. use the letter 'I' on the keyboard instead, holding down any tool shortcut will temporarily switch to it, click the colour you want, then release the key to go back to the tool you were previously using (this is very useful trick for the eraser tool as well btw)
2. use photoshop in full screen mode press 'F' twice, or got to View>>Screen Mode>>Full Screen Mode.
Hey, the ALT key can't select the menu bar if there is no menu bar, but this is annoying since you can't see your other tools (pressing TAB will show/hide them).
But the permanent solution is to use this super fast program made by Taran Van Hemert, a cool youtuber guy, he made this really neat little script that fixed this for me immediately, here's the vid.
The script is a .exe file that you can find here:
I was a little apprehensive since windows defender doesn't like you running an unauthorised apps like this, and I had to click 'read more' and then 'run anyway'. Despite my concerns the dude looked pretty reputable, lots of popular videos working with adobe. So I took a chance, and I can confirm it works really really well.
I really hope at least one of these solutions helps you out!
And to Windows 10 wtf bro figure it out c'mon it's a keyboard shortcut christ on a sandwich.
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I found solution that helped me. (credit to droidwin com)
FIX 1: Disable Native Canvas Rulers
The use of grids, guides, and rulers is beyond debatable among the most useful tools. However, as of now, it seems to be the culprit behind the software’s slow performance. Therefore, you should consider temporarily disabling it and then check out the results. Here’s how it could be done:
- Launch Photoshop and go to the Preferences menu.
- Then select Technology Previews from the left-hand side.
- After that, uncheck “Enable Native Canvas Rulers”.
- Check if it fixes the Adobe Photoshop lag issue when using the Alt key.
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That script did it for me! Thank you so much even now three years later. 🙂
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Была такая же проблема. Оказалось, что виноваты драйвера. При установке планшета в первый раз ни в коем случае нельзя торопиться его подключать к компьютеру. Вначале необходимо скачать драйвера, установить их и только потом воткнуть в usb- port разъем от планшета. Win10 нельзя разрешать использовать встроенные драйвера. Именно из-за этого возникает конфликт.
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albertg17081574 wrote:
My problem is very much the same as people have already asked YEARS ago like this one: Color picker lag in Photoshop CC
Moved from Photoshop Fix to Photoshop.
While this thread started in 2019, it has replies continuing to Feb 9, 2023. Photoshop Fix is no longer supported, so it languished with its 31 replies for four years in a dead forum.
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Hello everyone I just accidentally solved the problem as well. I was initally going to do the window ink method but i went to disable the Press and Hold Circle and that just solved it. heres a tutorial

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