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CS6 or 26.2
Is there a way to select an area and have it take on the hue of another selected area ?
I have a long roof and its got some translucent orange light creep running over part of it from a leaky camera body 35mm era.
I can see same detail, just its a different hue.
I wish to make it same as the roof beside that orange streak.
Either select it as a mask in photoshop, then sample the good area and say source this hue to the masked area, or select the good roof and paint that hue over the wonky area. a hue transfer brush,, or some other way.
I also had grass same need., a translucent orange light creep across it.
Is there a clever way of selecting the afflicted orange streak area and having a selection made in an auto way ? Capturing the edges fade better than with a brush and softness.
using the method again on the trees, colour mode best, but I cannot get them to the same punchy appearance as those immediate left of them, , trying levels contrast hue sat light, on the layer with the painted brush on it, nothing seems to happen much. Whats the trick there ?
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Maybe Select > Color Range, with Localized Color Clusters.
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@Merlin3– Without seeing the image, I'd try adding a new blank layer set to colour or hue blend mode, sampling the desired colour with the eyedropper, and then painting in the new layer with a brush. There are different variations on this general approach, such as adding a solid fill layer with a black layer mask and painting in white on the mask.
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three examples attached first one distant shot of trees, having to try and fix a reflection from within the helicopter the trees are a different hue, I wish to select the wrong hue part and then say to Pshop match the hue of that at left and/or that at right., by selecting an area with lasso tool or paint in quickmask mode. or pipette set to a large sample. I would prefer drawing an area to supply the most area to sample from.
In the second closer to view of ground there is some minor light bleed across the 35mm film, gone a bit orange, so select the grass and trees and say match the hue of area to left.
Third example light bleed this time across tarmac, need to sample the adjacent tarmac and say match the hue in that area, likeweise the grass there. to match the strip of grass. perhaps the grass and tarmac in one 'hit' would do it, being all of one correct unafflicted area ?
Hope these are ok.
any chance of a step by step ?
I keep needing to do this sort of thing, messing about with colour balance, hue and tint sliders never seems to get it same. and I spent hours fiddling. In fact I bet many need this.
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any chance of a step by step ?
By Merlin3
One possible method:
Note: instead of using the brush tool, you could use the Clone Stamp tool to paint with variation. Or use the mixer brush etc.
P.S. You may find that you also need to account for tonal issues, which color or hue mode doesn't address.
There are many different methods and what works for one image may not work for another. In other cases, you may need adjustment layers such as Hue/Saturation and use a gradient in the layer mask or hand paint the layer mask.
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I will see if I can do that. it would be great to see someone on youtube do this, I am sure its a common need.
I have now 5 images needing such.
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Hi, here is what I managed. I think colour mode has the slight edge on results, the slightly warmer result of Hue may be the orange bleed still showing through, same density brush each time.
As I caught the graass in my brushing it went blue, so had to erase that part of the image.
so its very picky as to what you select and paint over.
The grass will need to be done separately.
If it was that it looked at the colour for the chosen area , if I had selected the grass and tarmac, and understood when I was painting over grass and when over tarmac, all the better, but I get the feeling thats asking to much !
I thus need to use a like for like approach, so if a human sample the face then the jumper then the shoes etc etc.
I also wanted to use this on scale model photos where I have a flashlit aircraft and an existing light (supposedly natural light but its a bit greeny) lit shot same tripod a minute apart, as I can never get the colours to match the flash shot which being bounce method shows true colours (and I know the colours appearance anyway) , but this will mean painting over the camouflage, the roundels the codes everything one colour at a time, completely impractical. If I could have given Pshop the existing light and said match it to the flash shot, thats what I would truly want.
I tried the mixer brush tool on default settings, and nothing like this happened, couldnt see any change in fact. I have never used that tool so may be me.
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Further thoughts, what this is doing is making an average colour and applying it by brush to a layer best set to mode colour. But the result then lacks the variety of colours that make up the apparent hue, the trees or tarmac need more than a solid colour painted over them, also its impossible to darken that area or improve the contrast, generally to give it the p'zazz of the area beside it.
I have opted to grab the area as a selection and paste it in as a layer, then do the pipette thing, over that.
Then its contrast, levels etc can be adjusted, then one sees the effect of that a bit more.
Still a struggle, as in hours of struggling.
We need a means of sampling the area beside the target area, saying copy the appearance of this area, to the afflicted area. That means copying the coloured composition, the levels, the contrast, etc replacing those of the afflicted area.
See the attached, a tarmac area, here I have sampled the area, positioned it over the afflicted area, and want to transfer through the appearance of it. a layer mode setting that lets through the appearance, If I alter opacity the orange shows through.
How can that be done ?
the pipette and paint method is somewhat dead pan for it, results are any shade of grey and thats it, no colours other than grey.