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Artboard - best practice to export to dreamweaver

Engaged ,
Jun 17, 2017 Jun 17, 2017

Copy link to clipboard



I already went through some tutorial regarding Artboards and i what to get some opinion regarding it best practice.

I want to use the artboards for a website mockup and i also want to be able to export the assets to DW later on, using the extract panel.

To copy and link objects across artboars i use smart objects.

e..g i create a shape for my navbar and later transform it to smart object and copy to another artboard.

In this way, when i change the smart object it changes in all teh artboards.

SO far so good...

The problem is that when I use the extract panel in DW, it does not "see" the interior of the smart object so all my element lack the right style properties

Am I doing it "right", can i make DW see the interior of the smart object?

Is there another way apart from using smart object to copy )and keep the objects linked) in Photoshop?






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