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hola buenas tarde resulta que estoy trabjando una foto en photoshop 2024 y de repente el area de trabajo empieza a duplicarme las imagenes o me las pone en blanco y negro de la nada y me hecha a perder el archivo, trato de reinicar el programa y nada, espero puedan ayudarme gracias!! dejo unas fotos espero me ayuden
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Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences (Photoshop > Preferences > Performance > Graphic Processor Settings) and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue?
Does turning on »Deactivate Native Canvas« (Photoshop > Preferences > Technology Previews) and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue? (If it is still present in your Photoshop version.)
What have you done for all-purpose trouble-shooting so far?
Restoring Preferences after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved might be a good starting point: