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Hi. I am looking for guidance on how to remove the complicated background from the cypress tree. I have looked at other posts, but I'm such a beginner that I need more basic instructions from the very beginning. Thank you!
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The Object Selection Tool got me this
which is not great but a start …
Then you can use a duplicate of the original Blue Channel and use Curves on that to improve the sky-parts.
Then I guess a lot of painting on the Layer Mask may be necessary.
But remember to work with a Layer Mask and not to use the Eraser Tool!
What background do you intend to use the image on?
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Thanks so much for the quick response! Since I am such a beginner, I will need to figure out how to use each of these individual tools that you mention. Having the tree on a white background is fine for now. Do you have resource suggestions for a total newbie to PS? So grateful for you time and attention!
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Many thanks for this! I look forward to watching and learning!
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Yes, c.p. is on the right track. But if you're talking about the ground, the vegetation behind, the distant landscape - and not the sky - then phew, you got a lot of work ahead. This blends in totally. There is really nothing to separate them, except your eyes and brain to tell which is tree and which is not. There's not even out-of-focus background to help you, it's all in sharp focus (which is what you get with phones with tiny lenses).
Not saying it's not doable, but strap in for some hours of tedious manual work with small brushes.
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Thanks for the reality check! This is super helpful to know, and probably saved me a lot of time trying to meet unrealistic expectations, especially as a beginner with limited free time. I will still play with it a bit as practice, I guess. This wasn't a commercial project, just trying to provide the subject to my sister since it's her favorite tree and she wanted to paint it.
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AND this teaches me to give more thought to how to frame trees I might want to isolate in the future (this was taken with my wide angle lens on a hike -- not my phone). Thanks again!
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Yeah, as an exercise piece it's excellent 😉
The popular belief is that you just push a button in Photoshop, and magic happens. But it's all based on one pixel being visibly different from its neighbor pixel. If they're not different, no algorithm can figure it out.
Which is why you always save a ton of time by shooting carefully to begin with. Clean up as much as possible, spend some time finding the optimal camera position. I love working with Photoshop - but I'm always most happy when a shot is good to go with minimal processing. Then I know I've done it right 🙂