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Best practice for duplicating an Artboard and generating image assets

Engaged ,
Nov 21, 2018 Nov 21, 2018

Copy link to clipboard


Say I have an Artboard, I create a navigation bar and name the layer “index/navBar.png”

I also have an image on “index/mainImage.png”

The top layer on my doc is an empty later called “default assets/_image/”

When I generate the assets it will be placed under:




So far all is well.

Now I duplicate the Artboard or create a different size Artboard.

I change the image and rename it’s layer but I keep the navBar.

Sine the layer names are the same for the navBar, in this case “index/navBar.png”, I get many errors regarding duplications and more than once PS crashes.

In reality there are many more duplications – I can’t rename all these layers when I copy an Artboard.

So what is the best practice for duplicating Artboards which will produce similar layer names?

I think the best would be to have another empty layer at top of each Artboars, which would represent the Artboar subfolder. This would prevent the duplications.

Is this possible?






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