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Boycott Creative Cloud?

Advocate ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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If you haven't heard, CS6 is the last CS version. From now on, you have to rent your applications via the Creative Cloud. I don't like the new subscription model. I have bought every CS upgrade since version 1, but it looks like CS6 is the end for me, even if it means keeping an old computer around just to run CS6 applications.

Perhaps Adobe would change its mind in a few months if most everyone avoided signing up for the subscription. In any case, they've created a real opportunity for competitors.




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New Here ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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Don't know about a boycott, but I'm not subscribing. I'm a serious photography hobbyist, I typically upgrade Lightroom whenever it updates and I upgrade Photoshop every couple of years. No more; the prices are too high. I've read similar comments from other hobbyist users, and I suspect there's a lot more of us than there are pros. Maybe Adobe thinks they can afford to lose the hobby market. Adios, Adobe.

This is irksome. My birthday is coming up, and I was working on seeing if SWMBO would spring for the Photoshop CS6 upgrade for a gift. Then I discover this crap.

This is a great opportunity for some company. Perhaps Creative Cloud will be Adobe's Windows 8.




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Enthusiast ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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Boycott? Well, I won't call it that, but this is pretty much the last straw for me.

I've been a PS user and fan since PS 3 on a pc and have upgraded every step of the way...increasingly grudginly as the price rose and the ability to put it on my imac and 2 macbooks was reduced to 2 only, then the prices started soaring, then online only (not really a problem for me), now subscription only --- no *&^%$#@# way.

What's sad is that i used to get really excited about a new version, new tools, and waited with baited breath for the release. Somewhere along the way, I started feeling that the whole event was completely a case of adobe trying to overcontrol and over charge...but there were no alternatives and now there are.

The only thing that got me to upgrade to CS6 was ACR... Not enough any longer. Among other cameras I own are a couple of the new fuji x series and ACR is not as good as 2 other raw converters - so I'm already using multiple raw converters.

It IS sad...adobe was once a great company.

Tom O'Connell




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Explorer ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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What raw converters are you using?




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Explorer ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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bottom line tells me they may rethink... Watch the stock and let's see.

Screen shot 2013-05-07 at 5.08.10 PM.jpg




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New Here ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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I believe there are competing products that are being funded like crazy after their announcement.  I'm NOT excited about this and if they want to keep me as a customer, they should recant... and sooooon.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 08, 2016 Jun 08, 2016

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uhanepono wrote:

bottom line tells me they may rethink... Watch the stock and let's see.

Screen shot 2013-05-07 at 5.08.10 PM.jpg

I took your advice, yhanepono, and watched the stock. It appears to have more than doubled since the day in 2013 between the hours of 10 am and 4 PM that your graph shows.




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May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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I love Adobe software, but this is rediculous! Renting software?

How thoroughlly disgusting. CC is a great idea for certain agencies and groups that work collaboratively no doubt about it. But freelancers, independent artists, hobbyists, and even educators are going to be hit hard by this. Two different univeristy art department directors who I have spoken to about this issue have both said that they will now have to postpone upgrading their computer labs as a result of the new liscencing issues.

As a working professional, I have no problem asking my company to throw down a few $1,000 every few years for the latest release. But there would be no way I could afford the CC applications I use everyday if I had to pay for it myself based on Adobe's subscription model, if I were a freelancer or student.




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Explorer ,
May 20, 2013 May 20, 2013

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I agree.

At the school where I work, they have cancelled all plans to upgrade and we were told that CS6 would have to do for the forseeable future.

They are looking at alternatives for when the current version is noticeably obsolete in several years

This is actually good news for me personally, because I would upgrade my home software whenever the school upgraded theirs in order to keep up with the features that my students would be using.

I didn't particularly enjoy upgrading to every new version since I used to wait for at least two version upgrades before upgrading my own software. Most of the new features in each version are not really worth the upgrade in recent years.

As things are now, my CS6 master collection will be my last adobe software purchase. In a few years, there will be suitable alternatives to choose from.




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Community Beginner ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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Add me to the list. I can't afford as a hobbyist to pay 360 dollars per year for PS going forward. Will have to find cheaper alternative when CS5 becomes truly obsolete. Very sad to see this happen but corporations are just getting greedier every year.





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Explorer ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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You can still upgrade to CS6 before it's too late. and then at least you'll have that. They may relent if the stock goes down! I believe they will. this is creating such bad blood.

rgsalinger46 wrote:

Add me to the list. I can't afford as a hobbyist to pay 360 dollars per year for PS going forward. Will have to find cheaper alternative when CS5 becomes truly obsolete. Very sad to see this happen but corporations are just getting greedier every year.





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Engaged ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Do we know how long the PS CS6 upgrade will be available ?

Now using Affinity Photo




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Engaged ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Tom Murray 1 wrote:

Do we know how long the PS CS6 upgrade will be available ?

I work in IT Sales and was in a meeting with Adobe last week; they said CS6 would remain available for the foreseeable future.

Adobe has also committed to making CS6 compatible with the next version of OSX and Windows, which we will see this year for OSX, and probably within the next 12 months for "Windows 8 Blue," or whatever it'll end up being called. So, I would count on CS6 being available for at least the next year.

The biggest problem I think you'll have, especially if you're running a Mac, is how long the OS itself will support the software! If you ever look at any of Chris Cox's posts you'll see that Adobe has been fighting a somewhat losing battle against OSX bugs and glitches for years, so who can tell when they'll just throw in the towel and concentrate on CC.

Windows is an entirely different matter; if you're on Win7 64-bit I'd expect you to be happily running CS6 for 5+ years... plenty of time for a competitor to get in the game!




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Participant ,
May 17, 2013 May 17, 2013

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Change.org has one petition against the cloud that has 12,500 signers. CC has 500,000 signed up already.  Money talks. The higher fee of the CC will more than offset any loss from people who don't subscribe. Adobe is a business and it doesn't care if some of you go to hell.




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Explorer ,
May 18, 2013 May 18, 2013

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Can you provide the link to the petition please. It does not show up in a search on their site. I would love to be able to have that link to forward to others. Many don't know about the link. thanks.

PhotoRoy1 wrote:

Change.org has one petition against the cloud that has 12,500 signers. CC has 500,000 signed up already.  Money talks. The higher fee of the CC will more than offset any loss from people who don't subscribe. Adobe is a business and it doesn't care if some of you go to hell.




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Valorous Hero ,
May 18, 2013 May 18, 2013

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More than enough Adobe petitions.





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Explorer ,
May 18, 2013 May 18, 2013

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Explorer ,
May 18, 2013 May 18, 2013

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Thanks so much for the link! Please. all those who want to vote with their clicks share this link and sign and spread the word it's out there.

Brad_Trent wrote:

This is the one you're looking for...

https://www.change.org/petitions/adobe-systems-incorporated-eliminate- the-mandatory-creative-cloud-...





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Engaged ,
Jun 10, 2015 Jun 10, 2015

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Change.org has one petition against the cloud that has 12,500 signers. CC has 500,000 signed up already.  Money talks. The higher fee of the CC will more than offset any loss from people who don't subscribe.

500,000 out of how many potential subscribers, though? If the total user base is 512,500, and Adobe converted 500,000 and only left 12,500 pissed-off change.org users, that's a pretty good conversion rate. On the other hand, if there's 5,000,000 users, and Adobe has left 95% of the money on the table, that's not so good.

Obviously, I have no clue what the actual numbers are. But I do wonder what the numbers would look like if they had done things differently. For example, if they had offered a choice of CS7 *OR* CC, what would their stock be?

I guess we'll never know.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 10, 2015 Jun 10, 2015

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Ed.Macke wrote:

CC has 500,000 signed up already.

I think you'd have been nearer the mark with your second guestimate of five million.  I coudln't find any current figures, but this page from June last year shows more than two million CC subscribers.

Adobe Passes 2.3 Million Paid Creative Cloud Subscribers - Studio Daily

.If we project that growth then we get something like this.

A conservative estimate allowing for a slow down due market saturation (green line) still gives us >4,000,000 Creative Cloud users at this time, but it is just as likely IMO, that as confidence in CC grows, and the gap between CC and earlier versions widens, that growth has continued at the same rate or better giving us over five million Creative Cloud subscribers by the end of this year.  Even if all of the CC subscriptions were for the Photography Plan, then that would mean 600 million dollars/year.  If 10% of those users have a full subscription, then that would add another 240 million dollars a year for a total of $840,000,000

I'd have liked to have found stats for CS6 and earlier total sales to gauge then and now revenue.  However it is easy to find annual and quarterly revenue figures, and this page shows a whooping $1.153 billion for 2012 Q3


That's obviously _way_ more than their CC revenue, but after checking several quarterly figures through to Q1 2015, they appear to be pretty steady at a bit more than $1 billion a quarter.  I guess they are still selling a lot of perpetual licenses, or a far greater percentage of CC users have full subscriptions.  If all five million had full subscriptions, then that would still only earn Adobe $750 million per quarter, so it looks they do indeed still have a lot of CS6 sales.  




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Engaged ,
Jun 11, 2015 Jun 11, 2015

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...that as confidence in CC grows...

Well, either that or people don't have any option besides CC any longer.

I find the CC money-grab pretty repulsive, but I'm sure I'll switch to CC at some point because at some point CS6 just won't work any more - and it's not like I can buy CS8.

To paraphrase Henry Ford, "why, look at how good sales of these black Model-T's are!"




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New Here ,
May 11, 2013 May 11, 2013

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Boycott Creative Cloud

It doesn't take very long to work out that for most users that Creative Cloud will at least double the cost of using Photoshop if your the user who upgrades every second version (about every 2 years). OK for some people Creative Cloud make financial sense but if you do the maths even the person who has no Adobe programs and starts renting the Creative Cloud suite will end up paying more in 5 years or so.

The worst thing about Creative Cloud is once your on it you can never stop paying for it because if you do loss access to edit your files.

We should all tell Adobe no to Creative Cloud this is all about Adobes bottom line if people don’t join, Adobe will have to rethink.

Contact Adobe tell them why you wont be signing up for Creative Cloud.




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New Here ,
May 11, 2013 May 11, 2013

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Will not be signing up. Spent over 2 hours on the phone to India today who could tell me NOTHING. If Adobe is farming out their customers to India then Adobe is just trying to rake in profits.




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Participant ,
Jun 20, 2013 Jun 20, 2013

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Will not be signing up. Spent over 2 hours on the phone to India today who could tell me NOTHING. If Adobe is farming out their customers to India then Adobe is just trying to rake in profits.

This was one main reason I abandoned QuarkXpress. However, I have never been routed to India when calling Adobe and have been thankful for that. Hopefully I never have to encounter that if or when I have to call Adobe.




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New Here ,
May 11, 2013 May 11, 2013

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Photoshop is awesome and I use it every day. However I am now looking at alternative software providers who are not greedy money grabbers. Sad to see you go Photoshop. You were once loved by so many.




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