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Brush Cursor constantly disappearing for no apparent reason.

Community Beginner ,
May 11, 2020 May 11, 2020

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For at least a year and for no apparent reason the brush cursor vanishes randomly. I can still paint with the invisible cursor. There is no crosshair, no indication of the cursor at all, except that I can paint.


– No, this is not a capslock problem. If I hit caps lock I can see the crosshair. But if I turn off capslock, it disappears again.


If I toggle caps lock several times, the brush cursor *sometimes* reappears.  Then if I move off the canvas it often immediately disappears again (randomly).


If I shake the mouse the Apple cursor appears and grows and then vanishes again. Once in a while it reappears randomly.


But if my cursor leaves the canvas or I click, it *often/usually* vanishes again. But not always.  Really does seem like a bug. I always update my system and apps immediately.  Everything is current.  Only connected devices (BT keyboard/mouse) are Apple. One monitor.


It makes using Photoshop almost impossible. I lose so much time with his issue.






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Community Expert ,
May 11, 2020 May 11, 2020

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Does turning off »Use Graphics Processor« in the Performance Preferences (Photoshop > Preferences > Performance > Graphic Processor Settings) and restarting Photoshop have any bearing on the issue? 


What have you done for trouble-shooting so far? 

Restoring Preferences after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved might be a good starting point:






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 27, 2020 Jul 27, 2020

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Hi, No that has no effect.

Still, magnifying the area I'm working on can trigger the brush cursor to disappear.

I can still paint, but the brush outline is invisible, so i don't know where it is until I've started painting.


If I wiggle the mouse - *sometimes* it reappears. If I toggle CapsLock off and on many times, *sometimes* it reappears.  It's hit and miss.


Also I giess i should add: this happens across machine.  I experience this on every machine I have worked on for years.  I would be really surprised if I was the only one for whom this is happening.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 14, 2024 Dec 14, 2024

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My workaround: use the crosshair (hit the caps lock to toggle from circle to crosshairs). Today, the problem has been that the circle is visible over white areas of my image, but USUALLY invisible over darker areas. It's harder to see over some darker areas than others, AND it just disappears sometimes. Really strange and annoying, but the crosshairs are more easily visible everywhere.

This has happened to me on and off. I though it MAY be when my computer is "tired" or overloaded or something, but I just shut my apps down, emptied my trash, shut down the laptop (Macbook Pro) and restarted, and it's doing the same thing. Back to the crosshairs workaround.





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