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I have created a palette in Illustrator and saved it as an .ase file. I am able to import this into my swatches panel in Indesign using the menu (load swatches) just fine. But it won't work for me in Photoshop, even though everything I see on the inernet says to follow the same steps: open swatches panel > click on the menu/options button > click on 'load swatches' > make sure .ase files are included (not just .aco) > select my .ase file. It just doesn't work. Nothing happens. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
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Is it a pattern?
Because patterns can’t be saved as an ASE file. Only color codes can be.
Here is some info that may help.
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No, no patterns or transparencies. But maybe there is a way I created the swatches in the first place? I just dragged rectangles of color into the swatch panel.
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I catch the problem:
If you drag the rectangles into the swatches palette you save the object as a "Pattern".
You need to use the color palette >>
Also, you can add the color to a CC Library as well >>
Check this out >>
Now you can export the swatches as an "ASE" file and import it in Photoshop
Best Regards
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Try with replace option in Photoshop while loading the swatch, sometimes this error occurs, we can avoid this by replacing some colors or just drag and insert color.
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I did try replacing as well, it did not work either.
So the workaround I've come up with is to make an illustrator document with squares of all my colors, then opening it in photoshop, and using the eyedropper tool. This adds the colors to the top line of the swatches panel. Cumbersome but it seems to work.
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Good move, I was going to suggest that but I'm glad you got it worked out
What version Ps are you running? If you're using PsCC, you might want to give the Creative Cloud Libraries. The really help me maneuver easily between the apps.
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It is Autodesk file Adobe Swatch. Please restarting your product and then check.
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Restarting also did not help.
I'm confused, isn't Autodesk the company that makes Autocad? What does it have to do with swatches in Photoshop?
Thanks all for your suggestions!!