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Canvas freezes when panning with Wacom tablet

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Mar 11, 2023 Mar 11, 2023

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1. Version of the app

Photoshop Version 24.2.0


2. Platform and OS version

Intel x64 Windows 10


3. Basic steps to reproduce the problem

I have posted a workaround for this under another thread as someone was having the same issue. When using a Wacom Tablet (Intuos Pro) to pan the canvas becomes unresponsive. You can slect tools, menus, layers etc, but when positiong over the canvas you only get a pointer arrow. You can switch to another canvas and the all tools will work on the other canvas or a new one, but the one you panned on is frozen. If you select to zoom on the frozen canvas you can see the sliders on the edge changing as if the canvas is being resized, but the contents in the window are static.


I have found that when I deselect Enable Flick Panning under Preferences->Tools the issue goes away. Judging by posts others have the same issue when using their tablets and their solution is to restart Photoshop.


4. Expected result and actual result

The application pans and does not lock up the canvas.

The application pans and does lock up the canvas.








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Mar 13, 2023 Mar 13, 2023

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I'm experiencing this as well. I haven't been able to reproduce it at will but the last time I encounted this issue regularly it was tied to a change in the way PS interacts with Windows. Seeing as how Adobe recently introduced a bug that directly affects PS and Windows interactions I think playing with Windows Ink might be a worthwhile troubleshooting step. I do remember that last time the issue was related to flick panning as well, I just can't remember the exact fix from back then but it was as simple as altering a preference file and partially disabling Windows Ink. The disabling flick panning work around really makes me think that this is just the same flavor of bug from back when Adobe added in Surface device support in the Win10 era.

Personally, I haven't bothered trying to apply a long term fix to this issue again because I've been using my old work around(work around for frozen canvas: save file with frozen canvas, close file, open file, repeat as needed if canvas freezes again). Given the sheer amount of known bugs in the current PS release I'm planning on rolling back to a more stable version. It's kind of mindblowing in an 'ew, I pay for this?' way, how many bugs they've been creating lately but also completely not addressing with fixes or updates.





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Empleado de Adobe ,
Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024

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Thank you!  This is pretty easy to repro so we should be able to fix it soon.  





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Empleado de Adobe ,
May 22, 2024 May 22, 2024

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Hi all,


We are happy to announce the release of Photoshop version 25.9, which incorporates the fix for this particular problem. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here


To update Photoshop to 25.9, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating


Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.








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Principiante de comunidad ,
Jul 19, 2024 Jul 19, 2024

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I have update to 25.9 version. But the problem still here,,,,,When can fix it?





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