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Clipboard still not working? Darn you.

Jul 14, 2010 Jul 14, 2010

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http://microsoft.blognewschannel.com/archives/2007/09/05/how-to-fix-the-photosho  p-clipboard/






I read all thoose topics and googled my ass off. Why did this f*ck worked in Photoshop CS1, but not in CS5 anymore?

I can't Print Screen and C/P anymore and it just gets me frustrated. I tried these damn registry-fixes, but Photoshop

will just ignore them.

Isn't there any 3rd-party-application that solves the problem in any way? I closed all other apps, stopped most of the services, but C/P is still not working.

Damn you Adobe, fix this.






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Nov 06, 2010 Nov 06, 2010

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In another thread it was pointed out that this problem occurs with the installation of some 64bit plugins.

I had the same problem after installing 64bit plugins by NIK Software. Try deactivating all your plugins (rename the plugin folder with a tilde -> "...\Adobe CS5\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\~Plug-ins"), start Photoshop and check if you still have the problem.

Hope this helps.





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Enthusiast ,
Nov 12, 2010 Nov 12, 2010

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I have it happen occasionally myself. Normally restarting the app fixes the issue, However i believe there is a bit more to the problem then it not seeing eye to eye with the clipboard at times.

Normally mine will do it after i have a video driver crash (i run too many 3d apps at one time) in that case only a reboot fixes it.





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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2010 Nov 23, 2010

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Just bought a new computer with Windows 7 and had purchased the CS5 Web Premium package.  I live in Photoshop and Dreamweaver... but Photoshop is now kiling me because it will not allow me to copy an image by right clicking and selecting copy and then creating a new file with paste.  NEVER had this problem before and it's getting really old to hear Adobe say it's Microsoft and Microsoft say it's Adobe.

Start up PHotoshop and copy the first image from somewhere on the web.. select File>New and then paste.. it works.  The next time it fails and the next and the next.

Are you telling me that NO ONE during the beta test in-house or out did not come across this issue?  I've spent hours today searching the web trying to find a fix... and the old "drag to the desktop" is NOT the solution.

Somebody FIX THIS PROBLEM!   When I bought CS5 I thought I was getting a better product.  Copy is something that is used all the time in my work.  This is totally nuts.





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Nov 23, 2010 Nov 23, 2010

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The only people who came across the problem during beta testing tracked the problem to a buggy third party plugin (similar to comments above).

We have tested this as much as well can, and have found nothing wrong in the Photoshop code - but have found third party plugin bugs, third party utility bugs, some third party application bugs (Office should have already fixed those), and some OS bugs (which have been reported to Microsoft).





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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2010 Nov 23, 2010

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Do you have a list of these "buggy third party plugins"?

The only one I am using is NIK Color Efex Pro 3.0 64 bit version.





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Nov 23, 2010 Nov 23, 2010

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The Nov 6 reply two above your first, today, says they have the problem with NIK plug-ins, so try what they say in that post:

Here is the link to your post:






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New Here ,
Nov 23, 2010 Nov 23, 2010

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I deleted the NIK Selective Tool Folder found under plugins and restarted Photoshop.. I then coppied and pasted 5 different images from the web browser into Photoshop as New Images.  Everyone worked as it should.   Eliminating the Selective Tool Folder limits the way the plugin can be used but at least it still works to some degree AND I can now copy and past images in Photoshop again.


I use the NIK program quite a bit and have always found their software to work well... not so with their 64 bit version.  I will now let them know the results of today's hair-pulling extravaganza.






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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2011 Feb 22, 2011

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I deleted the NIK Selective Tool Folder found under plugins and restarted Photoshop.. I then coppied and pasted 5 different images from the web browser into Photoshop as New Images.  Everyone worked as it should.   Eliminating the Selective Tool Folder limits the way the plugin can be used but at least it still works to some degree AND I can now copy and past images in Photoshop again.

THANK YOU! Deleting the Selective Tool folder solved this nagging issue. Feels like I just won the lottery!





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Dec 18, 2010 Dec 18, 2010

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Same problem here.

Paste from clipboard works for a while, but eventually stops and just keeps pasting old clipboard data.

(CS5 64 bit, Vista and no third party plugins that I'm aware of anyway).

I can ALWAYS get it to happen by running Lightroom (3.3) while Photoshop is open and pasting a few times (the problem doesn't go away when Lightroom is closed).

Restarting Photoshop will get it working for a few pastes, but a machine restart is the only way to recover any reasonable clipboard functionality.

I sure wish a solution could be found for this... the Lightrooom/Photoshop combo is what my workflow is all about these days.





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Nov 24, 2010 Nov 24, 2010

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> Are you telling me that NO ONE during the beta test in-house [...]


Well, and you are telling us that YOU aren't even able to read the solution to your problem just two posts above your own?

Come on, we now realized that it's not even their fault. Instead of assailing them with demanding and indignant posts we should at least say 'Thanks' and 'Sorry' once. I think they do a great job and they deserve better.





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New Here ,
Nov 24, 2010 Nov 24, 2010

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OK.. Thanks! and I am Sorry.....  and I mean that.... but after a full day of total frustration with a deadline to meet, my patience was wearing very thin.  Who among us has not been THERE?

If this is a known problem should there not be some notification from Adobe?  Granted, it appears it is NOT Adobe's problem, NIK is at fault (I have written them as well) for not letting their customers know that they have a serious issues with Color Efex Pro and the Selective Tool and its impact on the copy and paste function of Photoshop CS5.

If Adobe is aware of this issue a "known issues" bulletin sent to all registered users would be a nice touch for customer service....  Just because the problem is caused by a third party plugin is no reason not to have an offical notice of issues available..or at least a webpage that would be easy to find.  The only thing I ever get from Adobe are emails asking me to purchase new products... which I do on a fairly regular basis both personally and for the company I work for.

I would not think that I should have to hunt through user forums here or elsewhere looking for a solution that may or may not work.  An offical statement from Adobe would be much more appreciated and frankly, for what we pay for the products, it should be expected.

Adobe does do a great job, love almost all of their products but when there are issues, we need to know about them and hunting for them in user forums is really not my idea of support.





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Enthusiast ,
Nov 24, 2010 Nov 24, 2010

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This is a user forums for user cross user support and tips and general conversation really. Adobe has live chat and support numbers if you expecting a responce from adobe directly thats the place to start. top of the screen the link that says, "My Support"

When a staff member does post here its because they do take intrest in whats going on in the forums and toss in help when they can.





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Nov 24, 2010 Nov 24, 2010

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I doubt this Nik-specific thing been a "known issue" for very long.

Now, generalizing to "3rd party plug-ins sometimes destabilize Photoshop", yes, that's been a known issue since there were 3rd party plug-ins, and checking to see how it runs without the 3rd party plug-ins is pretty standard early advice around here.

The surprising thing, for most folks, is that 3rd party plug-ins tend to screw things up that aren't clearly associated with them.  But that's just the way it is.

Where does Adobe's proactive responsibility end?  I'd say that notifying you about specific problems with 3rd party plug-ins is well beyond what I'd expect from them.

The plug-in makers have it easy; few folks seem to suspect them first; the problems they cause are more often reported as Photoshop issues.






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Community Beginner ,
Jan 02, 2011 Jan 02, 2011

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Let me just say that this issue IS NOT a NIK specific issue - and to all of you who have the ballzzz to harp on other people about being a little po'ed - get off your high horse - they have every right to be ticked off... ESPECIALLY after they or their companies have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on a buggy and sometimes inconsistent software suite.

I am having the same issue with CS2 - I can't copy/paste a screen capture from FireFox and no, I don't use the NIK plugin. I am still using XP Pro...

So, if anybody has ANY USABLE solutions, they would be MUCH appreciated. I have been using Adobe products since some of your were in elementary school - I am sure.

I would have bought CS5 but can't really afford it being in freelance as of right now. I get almost no monetary credit for having CS2. And, I can build a smoking new PC for what I would pay for the software suite. Pretty sad really - especially since Adobe has an accepted monopoly with regard to design and is a publicly traded company. Perhaps if they didn't have that monopoly their products would be about HALF of what they are currently.

Not to deter from the subject of this thread...does ANYBODY have ANY DECENT FIX for this CRUMMY clipboard issue? Many of us use, and have used Adobe products on a DAILY basis for YEARS. There needs to be a definitive answer for this...

I have tried the .reg fix and it DOES NOT WORK...


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





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Explorer ,
Jan 20, 2011 Jan 20, 2011

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I have this problem with Photoshop CS5, ArcGIS Explorer, and Windows 7 Professional. The clipboard works fine several times then stops.

After reading this and other threads on the problem, I will do what I have been doing... live with it.

The workaround:

  1. Save
  2. Exit Photoshop
  3. Start Photoshop
  4. Open Recent
  5. Paste

Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit) starts very fast. In less than ten seconds the problem is temporarily fixed and the clipboard works several more times.





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Jan 25, 2011 Jan 25, 2011

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I actually do use Silver Efex Pro and Copy/Paste worked when I removed this folder. Nevertheless I didn't used Nik-Software in the previous Photoshops, but this false behaviour still occured.





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Explorer ,
Feb 10, 2011 Feb 10, 2011

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Yes, I am restarting Photoshop to allow ONE paste. Twenty times a day. Easy. Simple, like carrying 5-pound rocks up a hill. Dirt-simple.

Sometimes not even one paste is allowed.

The Windows clipboard is valid and can be pasted into other apps.





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Explorer ,
Feb 10, 2011 Feb 10, 2011

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This is burning numerous artists at our studio and happens under both XP and Win 7 😕





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 11, 2011 Feb 11, 2011

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Man...I had to have a good laugh at this one...too funny!!! At least you have a good sense of humor about it. I added 2 gigs of RAM to my XP PC and it is better...but still not 100%. Not really even sure why in the hay this would make a hit-or-miss difference. Buggy is the word that comes to mind...I think the two other words that pop in my head are frustrated and pissed off. Yeah...that's it. Well, good luck to you all. If I worked in a cube all day and had to listen to others with this same problem I think I would be tempted to make a voodoo doll and name it Adobe...that way whenever I got out of my hole, I could stick a pin in it and smile as I walked off. At least I could laugh about it that way. Talk to you all later...





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Explorer ,
Feb 12, 2011 Feb 12, 2011

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....Photoshop is listening for the OS to tell it about new clipboard data, and the OS stops telling Photoshop that there is something new on the clipboard.  We've tried dozens of workarounds, and improved it, but never found a way to completely avoid the problem. ...We've seen this in 32 bit, 64 bit, other apps, etc.

Given that other apps can see/update the Windows clipboard in my testing, I find this exceptionally hard to swallow. Windows is picking on PS specifically, specifically ignoring it? Color me unconvinced.

What other apps?





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New Here ,
Feb 14, 2011 Feb 14, 2011

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Well, after some gruweling searches on the internet, thanks to this post I've resolved the exact problem as MySola stated last july. I picked up the idea mentioned by Tora999 (namely changing the default map of NIK tools) and now the clipboard works normally again. Here's how i did it on Windows in 2 steps: [please adobe, feel free to read with me].

1. Uninstall "Color Efex Pro 3.0 Complete"

First I uninstalled the program that seems to cause these horrific problems: "Color Efex Pro 3.0".

in command promt enter "control appwiz.cpl" and uninstall.


Then when I closed Photoshop it gave some error messages (in Dutch):


Then after restarting Photoshop the NIK Selective Tool (or something) came up, turns out after deleting the program, there's still a plugin left. So, there's one more step:

2. Delete the NIK Software plugin.

    Here's the directory i deleted:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\Nik Software

Fire up Photoshop for the last time, try some sreenshots, copy paste from the web, whatsoever, it works again....here.


Possibly it's enough to just delete the plugin and leave the installation of "Color Efex Pro 3.0" intact, but I am fortunate enough to be able to live without it.. Furthermore this doesn't imply NIK Software should be blamed, or is responsible, for this malfunction. It can be Photoshop, Windows or anything else. Furthermore, even though I've got some strong resentment against the fact that NIK Software and Photoshop apparently don't combine well together





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Feb 14, 2011 Feb 14, 2011

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Furthermore, even though I've got some strong resentment against the fact that NIK Software and Photoshop apparently don't combine well together

We would love Nik to have fewer bugs as well.

Please let Nik know about your findings so they can get these bugs fixed.





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New Here ,
Feb 14, 2011 Feb 14, 2011

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Will do.

For the record, the sentence got mixed up, this is what should have been stated:

"Furthermore, even though I've got some strong resentment against the fact that NIK Software and Photoshop apparently don't combine well together, this doesn't imply NIK Software should be blamed, or is responsible, for this malfunction. It can be Photoshop, Windows or anything else. "





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Jul 26, 2011 Jul 26, 2011

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SmenNederland wrote:

Well, after some gruweling searches on the internet, thanks to this post I've resolved the exact problem as MySola stated last july. I picked up the idea mentioned by Tora999 (namely changing the default map of NIK tools) and now the clipboard works normally again. Here's how i did it on Windows in 2 steps: [please adobe, feel free to read with me].

1. Uninstall "Color Efex Pro 3.0 Complete"

First I uninstalled the program that seems to cause these horrific problems: "Color Efex Pro 3.0".

in command promt enter "control appwiz.cpl" and uninstall.


Then when I closed Photoshop it gave some error messages (in Dutch):


Then after restarting Photoshop the NIK Selective Tool (or something) came up, turns out after deleting the program, there's still a plugin left. So, there's one more step:

2. Delete the NIK Software plugin.

    Here's the directory i deleted:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Plug-ins\Nik Software

Fire up Photoshop for the last time, try some sreenshots, copy paste from the web, whatsoever, it works again....here.


Possibly it's enough to just delete the plugin and leave the installation of "Color Efex Pro 3.0" intact, but I am fortunate enough to be able to live without it.. Furthermore this doesn't imply NIK Software should be blamed, or is responsible, for this malfunction. It can be Photoshop, Windows or anything else. Furthermore, even though I've got some strong resentment against the fact that NIK Software and Photoshop apparently don't combine well together

Thank your very much





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New Here ,
Jul 26, 2011 Jul 26, 2011

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Glad it could help.





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