CS4 + 10.6.5 - Delete Photoshop Settings file?

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I'm having major issues when starting Photoshop CS4 on an iMac running OS X 10.6.5. My keyboard almost becomes "stuck" and invokes strange actions. I am using Spaces and using the Option key + arrow key to move between Spaces.
Tried opening up Fireworks immediately after closing Photoshop and it works properly without any issues.
Any ideas?
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moveAddict...that's what was causing it on my computer...removed it from my auto login and now CS is all good and the problem I was having with Filemaker as well.
Clearly this is a OSX 10.6.5 issue.
Thank you all for figuring this out...I've been crippled for over a week. Now I'm good to go.
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I wonder if this could be related to the problem I have with Firefox which happens several times a week. If I have Firefox open in the background Photoshop will no longer have the space, command, control or option keys work anymore until I quit Firefox. This only affects PS5 in my experience, and not older versions or the other Adobe programs.
10.6.4, Firefox 4.07b (happened with earlier versions too), PS 12.0.1.
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I had this exact problem, also in Illustrator after upgrading to 10.6.5.
I solved it by trying a lot of stuff, but the problem kept coming back, sometimes sooner after a restart, sometimes hours after.
The final solution that worked for me is by deselecting the "Enable access for assistive devices" in the Universal Access preference pane.
You need to restart or log out for this to work.
I have Typinator that will not work anymore. A small price to pay for such a nuisance solved.
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i have the same problem but when i start photoshp i cant use it. i dont have ANY of the apps mentioned before. and im on a iMac intel 21" with 10.6.5

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I have not seen any discussion in these threads about Kubota Image Tools Dashboard application. I run CS4 Extended and Dashboard 2.0 and when I try to start PhotoShop CS4, it tries to open, and then quits unexpectedly. I don't get a message about the Settings file. But the timing of the quitting seems to correspond to the moment that Dashboard is starting up.
I have contacted Kubota Image Tools but have not received an answer.
I am dead in the water on both machines running this combination with OSX 10.6.5
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DFG - you haven't seen anything about that in this topic, because that is a completely unrelated issue.
In several other topics you can find discussions about Kubota's crashing plugins.

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The hack is great Jasper, a little tedious to use repetitively, but amazing that you found it. Many thanks, I was about to toss my mac off of a tall rock...
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Hack worked fine with PSE 8.
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This fix also worked for me. I'd like to add that as soon as I use the three finger tap on my trackpad to open a tab in a new window using Jitouch the bug comes back again, until I run the little app again. Thanks a lot!
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Thank you. I was losing my mind over this one. Have been for a couple of months and I lost the plot not knowing what to look for.
This might be the answer I have been looking for....
Best regards,
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Seeing the same issues here on 10.6.6 & CS5, the Bache app does not fix things for me. At first I thought it was an issue with my mouse, because it doesn't affect the Wacom Intuos4 (which is my primary input device).
The only fix I've found was to reboot, which completely sucks. I couldn't tell from this thread if anyone has found a definitive trigger for this, so we can avoid that action.
I also have Things & Dropbox running here.
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I couldn't tell from this thread if anyone has found a definitive trigger for this, so we can avoid that action.
Yes, Jesper explained the OS bug.
Apple is working on a fix.
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I was wondering if we knew the specific key combo, or software, that triggers this situation. I realize this is Apple's bug.
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Use Jesper's utility instead of rebooting until there's an update. Details here: http://forums.adobe.com/message/3296632#3296632
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Any software that tries to set the state of a modifier key can trigger the bug.
No particular combo, and many different packages do that (calling the same API).
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Thanks for the clarification guys, I appreciate it. Now Apple needs to get moving on this!

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Adobe have the best software! Thanks mate
I use a lot of software on my websites, all of them PAID!
and many many more...
I will buy now the dreamweaver to can work with my websites.
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I went from 10.5.8 to 10.6.6 recently and now I'm having trouble with Photoshop CS5 acting like I'm holding down the option key when I use the Crop tool, etc. and the Eraser Brush (and others) not showing the brush size as I've set it to and are instead showing the Move curor. Also, I'm have trouble where the dialog boxes think the option key is being depressed when it isn't and having trouble canceling things like the Levels tool, I click cancel and nothing happens or sometimes the cancel button will say "reset" as if I'm holding down the option button.
So here I am seriously regretting "updgrading" to Snow Leopard even after waiting until it gets up to a .6 iteration?!
I think my conflict culprit is xGestures which would be in line with everyone else here having issues with vital third party apps that have now been magically ruined by Apple.
Maybe this is Apple's idea of getting all of us to ditch all our third party apps and use Apple for everything??? Grrrrr......
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Is there a RADAR ID or Apple technical doc on this issue? We're seeing this with other apps and would like to get a status on a fix.
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No tech doc, and I don't think we're supposed to give out the RADAR IDs under our NDA with Apple. (unless we ask about it first, or are referencing a more public RADAR).
Apple is very aware of the problem, and working on a fix.
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I've been having troubles ever since the upgrade to 10.6, but as of a week or two ago, my entire keyboard has been freezing up after a bit of Photoshop use, and nothing fixes it except for restarting...
Highly annoying.
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Another thankyou to Jesper, this was driving me nuts and has cost me a fair amount of time, until I found this thread and downloaded the hack app.

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Just because Photoshop starts acting buggy when Apple releases an update doesn't mean there's a bug in the Mac OS. More often than not, there are changes to the API that require developers to update their applications.
It always annoys me when people pass the blame, and even more so when a large corporation the size of Adobe does it. In this case, after reading this thread, I see no reason to point the finger at Apple just yet. And it's frustrating to think that Adobe is just sitting around waiting for Apple to "fix" photoshop. If all we really know about this is from a quick post by some Adobe customer named Jespers then Adobe isn't doing their homework.
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My understanding of this problem is, that it's an API call from 3rd party apps (like Things and others), that triggers this problem. So if it's not a bug in Mac OS X but an intended change of this very API, than it's up to the developers of these 3rd party apps to fix their applications. If it's a bug (sounds more plausible to me), than it's Apple's turn (and developer of 3rd party apps may try to circumvent the problem if possible in the meantime). But to me, Photoshop seems to be a "victim" in this case. Why it is affected and why it is affected in the way it is (and why solely Photoshop and other Adobe apps - although I don't know for sure, if only Adobe apps are affected; after all, this is an Adobe forum, so if, say, Capture One was affected, nobody would tell here) is unclear to me. I'm not a developer. However - in this case, I really don't think Adobe is to blame. Au contraire, support in this thread was really helpful. Personally I think you may have a point in other cases. But not this time. (Gosh, me defending Adobe - weird).
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If all we really know about this is from a quick post by some Adobe customer named Jespers then Adobe isn't doing their homework.
Please get your facts straight, the person is an Adobe employee.