CS5 Locking Up System

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I have a 32 bit PC that I recently upgraded. I put in the most amount of RAM memory I could and upgraded the system from XP to Windows 7 Ultimate.
Yesterday I upgraded from Photoshop CS2 to CS5 and have suddenly been having problems with the system locking up on me in the middle of a project.
I saw some suggestions that were made back in 2010 and I was wondering if some new solutions have been discovered for this problem since then
If so, please provide me a link to a topic thread dealing with this issue.
Also, when first using the program I could not figure out how to get the HISTORY window to open. That is a function
It should ALWAYS open automatically
I now have it working properly, but when opening the program for the first time the HISTORY window should ALWAYS BE THERE and ready to use
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My sharing this about reformatting a computer is directly linked to what this thread is all about. Once I
Cleaned the files
Defragmented the C Drive
Ran the option to automatically correct system errors
I have not had problems with CS5 locking up on me...yet.... Above I shared my newest creation I call OM THE SUN and CS5 did NOT lock up my system and force me to hold the power button to shut off then restart my computer. Although, I must admit, I saved that photo practically every time I made any change whatsoever, just in case it did lock up again.
I strongly suspect that I am overdue for another computer reformatting and I am hoping Norton Ghost 15 will work so that I never have to reformat from scratch again. A different friend of mine who fixes computers for his friends swears by Norton Ghost 14. Unfortunately, that program with not work with the Windows 7 operating system. Both Norton Ghost 14 and 15 have the same thing in common in that about half the people love them and half hate them. It can be quite frustrating trying to make a decision on purchasing a program when there is a 50/50 chance the program will work for you.
Last time I reformatted, before I loaded all my programs, I tried the trial verion of Ghost 15 from the Symantec website. Everything seemed to be working fine til it suddenly asked me to insert a disk and I HAD NO DISK because I had downloaded the trial version from Symantic and IT CAME WITH NO DISK!!! Man I was pissed off, but I congratulated myself that I wisely chose to test Norton Ghost 15 BEFORE I loaded all my other programs. It was a wise decision indeed and made an instant second reinstallation of the Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade much more endurable.
I'm sharing what happened to me just in case any of you are considering using the Norton Ghost 15 program.
So, I learned, from their forum, that others having this same problem were able to download the files from that needed disk and then burn it onto a CD Rom to be used when using the Norton Ghost 15 trial program. I hope it works for me! Sure would be great to never have to reformat from scratch again. Once I get glitch problems I should be able to stick a disk in my computer and bring it right back to the day I first installed Norton Ghost 15. That's how things work with my friend who has 5 computers and who uses Norton Ghost 14 on all of them. Unfortunately, Ghost 15 will only work on ONE computer. Oh well....

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This is the type of hobby work I tend to do: My latest Photoshop creation: ((( OM THE SUN ))): http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/2in2vOMvarTHESUN.jpg
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If I can custom create a workspace set of pallets I would want: Sharpen, Sharpen Edges Hue & Saturation Color Balance Brightness & Contrast Image Size History
You should look into Configurator, which allows ro collect Tools, Commands, Actions, Scripts etc. into cutom Panels.
But be aware that there is a difference between Palettes, which are now supposed to be called Panels, and Dialogs.
I may be misundersranding you, but if you should be doing those kind of montages without utilizing Layers that might seem like driving a Ferrari only ever in first gear.

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I've just used what I could figure out how to use.
Never took any lessons.
I don't know how to make such creations with layers, but I've become rather expert using the cloning tool ESPECIALLY NOW as CS5 makes cloning easier than ever before! LOVE THAT NEW FEATURE!!
Maybe I should check YouTube for an instructional video on how to make such a Photshop creation using layers. I don't see how that would make it easier than cloning and then cleaning up what I have cloned. Are you saying that I won't have to do any touch up clean up work if I use the layers option?
I could really use some lessons on how to use Photoshop for the types of things I like to do!
Custom panels sounds AWESOME!!!!!

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I think I have downloaded the proper application. It comes with no instruction. I guess everyone else is so damn smart that they don't need special instruction. You people must blindly assume I am just as smart as you are, but it should be obvious by now that compared to the rest of you I am a dumbass idiot!!!@!!

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Configurator 2.0 Installer This download provides the Configurator 2.0 installer for Macintosh and Windows. To run this application, you will need to have Adobe AIR installed. Configurator 2.0 creates custom panels for export to Adobe Photoshop® CS5 and InDesign CS5. Configurator 2.0 panels are not backward compatible to Configurator 1.0. English Download Configurator 2.0 (AIR, 12.5 MB)
Installed Adobe Air first
then the program
there are no instructions on how to use it!
Fun, eh?
I don't see why this program was not AUTOMATICALLY put into CS5.
I can't imagine ANYONE who would not like to make custom panels to suit their particular needs

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I apologize for being frustrated, but the rare times I try to get help in this manner people always seem to assume I know more than I actually do. They always tend to give me partial answers and I have to keep asking things like 'How do I do that?' Makes me feel extra dumb and frustrated. What? did you think I would automatically know how to get this download to work? Or even to choose the proper one? I took a gamble and downloaded the above. Was that the right one to download, or did I screw up again?

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I tend to ALWAYS choose my backgrounds first.
No offense, but is that your idea of how my work will be improved by using layers?????
So, NOW you tell me what configuration I will need????
I'm sorry, but things like this seem to always happen when I get help in forums like this

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Compared to that, OM THE SUN is a genius masterpiece: http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/2in2vOMvarTHESUN.jpg I really don't see how I could improve upon it by using layers. The improvments to using the cloning took in CS5 are FANTASTIC!!! It has NEVER been easier for me to clone with precision. THANKS FOR THAT, ADOBE!!! IT'S AN AWESOME IMPROVEMENT YOU HAVE MADE TO THE CLONING OPERATION!!! JUST FANTASTIC!!!
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Compared to that, OM THE SUN is a genius masterpiece:
You seem to fail to see that this was just an example to illustrate Layer-use without a claim to artistic merit – in any case the benefit is that I could change the background in a matter of (depending on the dimensions) seconds, move it around, apply Smart Filters in any combination etc.
Anyway, I’m tiring of this discussion, so I’ll wish you good luck with your future Photoshop-related endeavours.

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I'm sorry, but I wanted to see how I could improve upon what I have done by using layers and...I just can't see it. I'm just being honest. I always choose my backgrounds first and clone into them. That's the way I work. If I decide on a different background instead I just clone into that. I was rather expert with cloning before, but NOW...well...now, with the new CS5 improvement to the cloning tool. WOW!!! Just an awesome improvement!
Really sweet!
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From time to time people say "no, I don't want to use that function. I'm perfectly fine without it".
And you can't really argue with that, can you?
But what we can do, and should do, is point out that there are better and more efficient ways to get there. No one's twisting your arm. Let's just call it well-intentioned advice. You're not talking to casual hobbyists here, you're talking to people who do this for a living.
If you want to build a house using nothing but a screwdriver and a pen-knife, go ahead. But it would be rather silly if you had all the necessary tools just sitting there, wouldn't it?
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If you want to give them a try I would recommend that you seek tutorials about Photoshop Layers either on the web or download the Help as a pdf and read the corresponding chapter there.
In a professional context one always has to factor in that any involved party (creative director, customer, …) might change their mind and one subsequently could have to change any element of a montage – working non-destructively (with Layers, Layer Masks, Adjustment Layers, Smart Objects …) can really pay off there.

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Yes, if I were using Photoshop as a working took for clients I could see how layers could be useful if they choose to change their mind. However, I am using it as a hobby. I don't see how using layers would have improved my creation. It is so powerful and fantastic. I've never seen anything quite like it! When you click on the link it practically explodes into view. I almost feel like shielding my eyes. How much better could I make it? If I could envision making it better I would do it, but it just looks incredibly awesome!!

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To be perfectly honest. In Photoshop I feel like God. ANYTHING I can clearly envision I can create. ANYTHING!!!! Whatever wild image I can imagine I can bring into being directly from my imagination. It's an amazing feeling when I am inspired to use Photoshop and now the cloning tool has become fantastic!!!
Except for the fact that when I use the Wacom tablet pen I can always depend on it to work.
Paiting with the left-click of the mouse works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't want to work. I ask again why is this happening and how can I get the left-click of the mouse to always work when I am cloning?
Also, when I am using the magnifiing tool and I happen to graze the tablet with the pen sometimes the image will instantly magnify about 20 times! It's very frustrating holding down the ALT key and tapping the tablet about 20 times to get it back to it's original size. Why is this happening and how can I either prevent it or cause it to go back to it's original size without 20 taps of the pen on the tablet?
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I can't imagine ANYONE who would not like to make custom panels to suit their particular needs
In big companies for example it might be importatnt that anybody can work on any station and therefore customization may be discouraged and everybody be expected to just work with the standard appearance.
But I have found the ability to create and use custom Panels in Photoshop a valuable improvement.
Or even to choose the proper one? I took a gamble and downloaded the above. Was that the right one to download, or did I screw up again?
As you work with Photoshop CS5 you need Configurator 2.
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With regard to Layers:
If an object is on a Layer of its own one can for example easily switch in other backgrounds.
As for instructions on Configurator please refer to
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I don't see how that would make it easier than cloning and then cleaning up what I have cloned. Are you saying that I won't have to do any touch up clean up work if I use the layers option?
One last try: If an image is on its own layer and you want an underlying image to be visible at certain parts applying a Layer Mask to the top Layer and painting on that can take care of that without damaging either Layer amd necessitating Clone Stamping from History snapshots (as I suspect you currently do).
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Sidarthurr wrote:
Junk like this tends to accumulate and slow down a computer.
Or so I have learned.
I am a career computer engineer. I admit that my knowledge of how things work has helped me know what to configure, what to do (and to avoid doing), and what to clean up, but I can assure you it's not a given that you have to wipe the slate clean and start over from time to time. But if it works for you to do so, more power to you.
If you want to get a handle on the "junk that accumulates", you might want to try running these free tools:
Autoruns - tells you what starts up and runs when you bring up your system, and allows you to disable things you don't want running:
ShellExView - tells you what Explorer shell extensions you have installed, and allows you to disable those you don't want running:
With an Internet browser you can go find out what the various things listed are and do.
In my mind ongoing computer maintenance is a bit like keeping a car clean and well-tuned vs. running it into the ground and paying a huge bill every so often to get everything fixed.

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To D Fosse: Talk can be very cheap. Show me how you have created a greater digital masterpiece than my CS5 creation (((OM THE SUN))) and I will believe you or else you are just talking and expect me to believe you are a superior digital artist when all I see is talk. I offer proof of my expertise. Time for you to put up because I need to SEE how your techniques make you a better digital artist than I am: http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/2in2vOMvarTHESUN.jpg

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It seems obvious that it is pointless trying to get all my questions answered in this forum. I'm going to have to call Adobe and talk to them because you people continue to ignore important questions and try to convince me that I don't need to periodically reformat my computer when I ALWAYS HAVE HAD TO!!!!! How can you possibly convince me that I shouldn't have to do what MANY ON THE INTERNET teach needs to periodically be done? You look down your nose at me and are essentially saying: 'You wouldn't have to periodically reformat your computer if you were smart like me'. Well, I'll openly admit that I'm an idiot. If I were not an idiot I could figure out these answers for myself and would not need to post here.
Then you say essentially say that I would be a better digital artist if I did things YOUR way and you have NO PROOF of this whatsoever and expect me to take your word for it with no proof whatsoever. You don't compliment me on my work and cannot prove you can do better. I may be an idiot, but I'm not as easily tricked as the the supposedly wiser than I am seem to think I am.
You look down on me and cannot prove you are better!
So, before you talk down to me CONVINCE ME that you are a better digital artist first!!!!!
Thank you

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One of my more recent creations I call (((THINKING IS THE BEST WAY TO TRAVEL))). I took the background photo myself and used CS2 in order to clone over dead plants and make the area look like the Heaven of my dreams: http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k609/DigitalNation/9inVchairMNSTREAM.jpg

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I really need to SEE how you professional "experts" are so much better at digital art than I am. If you cannot prove you are how can you expect me to believe you?
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Sidarthurr, I respectfully suggest that you probably aren't going to get much farther by asking advice from experts then claiming you know better and demanding they prove themselves to you.
A little humility might work wonders.
Best of luck to you.

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If these digital art "experts" are better at digital art than I am THEY HAVE NOT PROVEN IT YET!!!
Are YOU better, Noel? PROVE IT!!!!
The "proof" I have received that I would do better if I used layers is lame compared to my creations and that's a fact!
I came here with questions and most of them have been ignored
I have had to come up with my own answers.
So far, cleaning my computer files
Defragmenting my C drive
Using the automatically fixing system errors function
has helped tremendously