Yes, at least I think it is correct. I compile it with the same commandline as is used in the "Outbound" example:
#define plugInName "My Test Exporter"
#define plugInCopyrightYear "2007"
#define plugInDescription \
"Test export plug-in module for Adobe Photoshop¨."
#define ResourceID 16000
#include "PIGeneral.h"
// PiPL resource
resource 'PiPL' (ResourceID, plugInName " PiPL", purgeable)
Kind { Export },
Name { plugInName "..." },
Version { (latestExportVersion << 16) | latestExportSubVersion },
CodeWin32X86 { "PluginMain" },
noBitmap, doesSupportGrayScale,
doesSupportIndexedColor, doesSupportRGBColor,
doesSupportCMYKColor, doesSupportHSLColor,
doesSupportHSBColor, doesSupportMultichannel,
doesSupportDuotone, doesSupportLABColor
"in (PSHOP_ImageMode, GrayScaleMode,"
"IndexedColorMode, RGBMode,"
"CMYKMode, HSLMode,"
"HSBMode, MultichannelMode,"
"DuotoneMode, LabMode)"