Erro com a Ferramenta Cor Sólida
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Uso o Photoshop 2021 e está dando erro na ferramenta de cor sólida, alguém sabe como resolver? Eu clico mas ela não aparece. Alguém sabe como arrumar esse bug? Já desinstalei e instalei e já dei reset e até agora nada.
I use Photoshop 2021 and it's giving an error with the solid color tool. Does anyone know how to fix it? I click on it but it doesn't appear. Does anyone know how to fix this bug? I've already uninstalled and installed it, I've already reset it, and so far nothing.
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I've moved your post from Photoshop Developers to the Photoshop forum.
Which tool are you calling the "solid color tool"?
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First, thank you very much for answering me. And I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain it well in English, but it's this tool in the image
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Do you get any warning message/alert?
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I don't know how to explain it well in English
By daniele_francisca_9990
You can write in your own language and let us translate it.
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Então, a ferramenta que falo é aquela primeira opção quando você clica nele ícone em forma de bola no meio da barra de ferramentas para camada
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Desculpa escrevi errado, o certo é :"quando você clica naquele ícone em forma de bola..."
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What happens if you do it via Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color?
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Não acontece nada. Em cima da cor que selecionada aparece o aviso fora do gamut para impressão.