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Bonjour, cela fait plusieurs fois déjà que ce problème survient : Mon espace de travail se réinitialise tout seul, et je me retrouve à devoir tout remettre en place à chaque fois que ça arrive, même avec mes espaces de travail sauvegardés. J'ai essayé de chercher une action que j'aurais faite communément à chaque fois que cela arrive mais rien ne me vient en tête. Je ne comprends pas à quoi cela est dû, et autant ce n'est pas non plus très long de tout remettre en place mais c'est un peu frustrant de payer pour un service pareil et devoir tout reprendre de zéro à chaque fois que j'allume mon PC. D'autant que mes raccourcis clavier, eux, sont conservés, donc je ne comprends pas.
Quelqu'un saurait-il m'éclairer ? Merci d'avance 🙂
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what app?
p.s. once you customize your workspace, you should save it so it's easy to restore.
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It's Photoshop, and that's just the problem : for some reason it reinitialises ALSO my saved workspaces. But not the keyboard shortcuts.
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from cc desktop bugs">
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Thank you so much for taking it to the right section and sorry for my mistake !!
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So you did save your Workspace (Window > Workspace > New Workspace)?
What have you done for all-purpose trouble-shooting so far?
Restoring Preferences after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved might be a good starting point:
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I saved my workspace multiple times so that I don't have to recreate it, but each time it ends up being reset, I don't understand 😞
That's also the only thing that keeps on being reset for no reason / with no time logic (like, it doesn't happen exclusively once every 10 launches.) My shortcuts are fine, and everything else as well. I alos make ure each time that my photoshop is set on it's last update.
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But did you restore the preferences?
So you can reset the Workspace with one menu-click?
Worst case you should be able to use Script Events Manager to link setting the Workspace to the open-event, but some general trouble-shooting may be called for first.