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Is there a way to batch export these layer groups as pngs?
I've tried 'Export As' but it trims the images into just what is visible in the group. I want to retain the size of the artboard (1080x1920) and keep the placement of my text where it is.
My workaround is creating layer comps and then exporting those as PNGs but it can be tedious to create a multitude of layer comps sometimes.
Any suggestions or has someone written a script?
Hey, Thanks so much for this! I appreciate you taking the time.
I've given it a go but I was hoping for something that would export all of them at the same time.
My solution so far is using Generate - Image assets. Then adding .png to all my group names. I also had to add a layer mask to each group to stop it from trimming them into just the text.
But the result is a folder that automatically generates the PNGs without having to export them.
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Not sure how to automate it at the moment, but if you solo the group (alt+click the eyeball on windows, opt+click on Mac) so that only the layers you want are visible, you then deselect all the layers, and then do a quick export as png. You can adjust your "export as" extention in "Preferences/Export" to be png. Your exported file will maintain the canvas size and layer postion.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
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I've created an action that will get you there partially.
You'll first want to save your file as it reverts back to it's starting point after each run. Then, in the layers panel, select the group you want to export and run the action.
In short, it converts the group into a smart object to maintain the name of the group, and saves it as a png. You'll have to input your save location each time you run it, or follow the steps below to create a default save location. The link below has a video to the steps along with the action.
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Hey, Thanks so much for this! I appreciate you taking the time.
I've given it a go but I was hoping for something that would export all of them at the same time.
My solution so far is using Generate - Image assets. Then adding .png to all my group names. I also had to add a layer mask to each group to stop it from trimming them into just the text.
But the result is a folder that automatically generates the PNGs without having to export them.
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By the way, you can automate layer comps. Record action to create layer comps then export them. Collapse all groups before recording steps and before playing action. If you have different number of groups/layer comps per file then record action with two or three layer comps then play it multiple times or record action with lot of steps then exclude them from play, play only as much steps as you need.
After creating layer comps use Export > Layer Comps to Files. You can not record Export As as action step, by the way.
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Same problem here. This would really help...
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As this is a discussion, Adobe employees may not see this post.
You can create a new topic and label it as "Idea" rather than discussion or bug, then it can be voted on in a meaningful way.
BTW Adobe is aware that some users want better, flexible control of padding from within Export As (this has come up before), however, like many things to do with Export As – it's an unfinished work in progress.
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While on this general topic, the following scripts may be worth trying: