Thanks for your help, Toby.
I've got an idea of how to configure the properties at this point. Simple properties work now, but I am still running into a bit of trouble setting complex options such as the Caption tag. I create a handle, populate it with the null-terminated string for the caption, and then I use setPropertyProc to link that handle to propCaption. The code would go something like this:
>Handle h = sPSHandle->New( captionLength );
>if( h )
> Boolean locked;
> Ptr p;
> sPSHandle->SetLock( h, true, &p, &locked );
> // In here, use memcpy to copy a typical C string into p
> sPSHandle->SetLock( h, false, &p, &locked );
Basically when I run my plugin and open a file, the Description field is still blank, as it was before I tried to populate the fields.
Is there something wrong with my approach? Incidentally, I also encounter the same problem when I use the same property and handle suite methods that you do (FormatRecord->PropertyProcs and FormatRecord->HandleProcs instead of sPSProperty and sPSHandle respectively). From looking at other available code online, I'm assuming that there isn't a difference in behaviour. Please correct me if I'm wrong! :)