Hand Tool lock after releasing spacebar
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Hi all,
since the last update i have an issue with the hand tool. Usually i use the space bar for switch to the hand tool and scroll the image, but after releasing the space bar and the mouse click the tool keep working like if i am still holding down the commands annd the cursor movement clearly move my visual. For unlocking it i have to click 4-5 times on the image o clickin on the navigator.
Someone have an idea for fixing it? 😞
Thanks a lot
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On average I have been spending about 2 hours per day just because I find slowing things down a bit will not trigger the error as easily. However, it's been like that since it started and it's been driving me crazy. I have read heaps of threads in the forums, tried rolling back to different versions and resetting tools, settings etc. Yet it always works for about a couple of hours, and then back to the sticky buttons again. I almost have a heart attack as it's college start and I am rushing up on my work using Photoshop but these things are not helping. Just wondering anyone has any luck after rolling back to previous versions and the issues do not come back at all? (It keeps coming back after a few hours' of use even after I did all the things suggested in these threads). Help please, Adobe and Photoshop users! I am so desperate now, and once the magnifying glass becomes sticky I got to keep pressing the Escape button to release it. It works everytime but really, really annoying as I got to press that almost every 5 seconds!!!!
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I've downgraded to 24.0.0. It works for me. I've used this version for hours every day without this bug.
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Thank you so much! It worked, and my computer is running so much lighting.
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lose the new adaptive fill stuff in the Beta version. If you are not using
it. There is no really good reason to use the current version over 24.0
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Thanks heaps! It works beautifully now! I am so impressed by you guys Photohop users but not Adobe staff... haha. If only someone from Adobe can answer all these questions and fix the issues without us users guessing things out, our lives will be so much easier. Thanks again!
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Thanks heaps!! It works! I mentioned something about Adobe staff in my previous reply, and got deleted straight away LOL...
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Thanks heaps!
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24.7 and still not fixed.. unbelievable.
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Adobe isn't listening community ... very bad support and help, like amaters
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Just updated to 24.7 with some trepidation, as this has bothered me for the last two releases. A preference reset has fixed it for me every time, but still, you don't want to go through that if you don't have to.
This time it worked. No sticky hand tool.
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I think they finally fixed it! Just upgraded too and it's zoom/panning is working properly.
It's too early to tell as I've upgraded before and it worked for a little while then reappeared but this time it just feels right.
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I have this bug too, tried everything mentionned in this thread. Anything that involves hold and drag, the tool sticks and it is making me crazy. The hand tool and the color picker especially. I click, drag to pan (or color pick), release the mouse OR pen, but it is still panning or color picking one time out of 4. I really hope for a solution soon, this is the most annoying bug in the world.
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I'm on 24.7 now and the bug is still present. Did a prefs reset, but the sticky hand came back quickly.
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It's just sad, not only is the bug still present in the latest version, since the latest beta it's also included in the beta (which wasn't the case before)
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So they made it consistent (consistently wrong :)).
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Same issue here. I had to downgrade to 23.0, even in 24.0 the animated zoom is not working properly.
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Happens to me too. Fresh Photoshop (25.0) install. When i use the hand tool to scroll over the a image, i got stuck in the hand tool most of the time. For unlocking i have to click in the image several times. Never had this problem with 24.0 and below. Please fix this, it is so annoying!!!
ps: I tested a bit, and it only seems to happen when i do quick scrolls with the hand tool. If i press the buttons very slow, it works "normal".
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Same happening here. PS ver 25.0.0.
When I hold space bar and do a quick flick and let go of mouse (within a second or so) the hand tool stays active/dragging. Have to press space bar again to release.
If I wait longer to let go of the mouse then it works as expected.
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Hello with the new version my tools are always on the hand tool and are not working. With previous version I did not had this problem. I am on a Macbook M1
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I don't understand why there aren't a lot more feedback here. I have the problem on 3 different systems, so I can almost rule out a hardware-specific problem.
It can't be the case that the most of users don't update?
I've been struggling with this problem for months now, it's really annoying to constantly have to focus on it and check after every update whether it has finally been fixed and in the meantime work on the old versions.
Oh yes, I have the problem in the latest new version 25 and also in the beta. Now not only with the tablet, but also the mouse is more intensively affected in the normal 25 version. When I quickly move images with the hand tool by pressinc the spacebar and navigate through the image, my hand remains constantly stuck to the image, making it almost impossible to work normally.
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I've been putting off using photoshop as long as I can, but I had to use it yesterday and I just wanted to scream. How can an issue like this persist for so long?! This thread was started back in freaking March! This has been going on for 7 months! Does no one from Adobe ready anything posted in these forums?
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I have the same question as the previous poster.
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I have been running the Beta and it mostly works right. I can tolerate it. But the latest full release PS is terrible. I feel like my hand is attached to the Wacom. Adobe FIX THIS!!!
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Can a moderator merge this thread with the main bug report?
Make sure to add your votes to that other thread. Yes, it's a major problem that hits a lot of people. I fixed it by resetting preferences no less than three times, and it hasn't come back since. But that shouldn't be necessary
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D Fosse, thanks for posting the link to the main bug report. I added my vote.