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Short version: Stupid mistake... After rotating an image using image->rotate->arbitrary, and then doing some extensive work - is there a way to determine what value/angle the image was rotated by? I've done too much work to start over.
Long version:
I have a set of about 25 unique images, all shot exactly the same way, same settings, etc., on a camera locked down on a tripod. The shots were with a trophy on a pedestal, and five people on either side. The people gave me new facial expressions after each click. The shots are at night with a glowing cityscape in the background, so really need to keep everything registered.
I started working on the first shot, and needed to rotate it as it wasn't quite level. Did some substantial work (making/saving selections on the trophy, using some AI to fabricate a pedestalfor it, etc.) before I realized I hadn't measured/remembered how much I rotated this, so the first shot is now at a different angle the rest of the images. The angle was around 1.4 degrees, but I don't remember the exact amount. The first image was rotated using the ruler measuring tool and "image->rotate->arbitrary angle".
The plan is to use the work done on the trophy so it'll be the same on all the remaining shots.
I need to apply the exact same amount of rotation on all the subsequent shots so that they're back in registration with the first corrected image as these will likely be combined into an animated GIF.
Is there a way to determine the exact angle the first image was rotated by so I can apply that same value for the remaining shots?
Thank you!
Working in Win10, PS 25.3.1
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De primeras se me ocurre que la herramienta Análisis/Regla es la que puede medir ángulos fácilmente. Para saber cuánto ha variado, mediría primero en el original que tendrás y después en lo editado. Regla tedará el ángulo en abos casos. Quizá te sirva