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How does a private person afford Photoshop?

Community Beginner ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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[Edited by moderator.]


Have Adobe - Photoshop gone mad?


This question been going around my head for a long time.

Same with my friends, other designers & school area.


How does a private person afford Photoshop & all the options?

When it cost almost around 70/120/150 euro each month?


[Photoshop (Photography Plan) costs USD $10/month.  Photoshop Elements can be purchased (no subscription needed) for under USD $100.]


You can simply buy PaintShop-Pro, almost like Photoshop but when you’re not used to PaintShop-Pro & have to learn everything from (Zero) again I get it why people buy Photoshop.

“Or I did in the old days, now most all private people can´t afford it!”


[False information & irrelevant personal commentary removed by moderator as per this forum's guidelines.]








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Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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You seem to be quoting prices for the entire CC package rather than just Photoshop.

Many private users, who do not require the graphics, publishing and video applications, go for the Photography plan which is currently £9.98/month and gets you Photoshop, Lightroom and more










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Community Beginner ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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Might be my friend, but I rather buy an old version & a CD from version Photoshop (Photoshop extended cs6).

I realize Photoshop or Adobe, try to find all different ways for you to pay as much as possible.


But really, thank you for that respond, I had a very hard time finding that version with just Photoshop/Lightroom for around a decent price, around 10/12 euro.


I really appreciate it, thank you Davescm, that was very kind of you thank you.


Finding the right choose, or a more private version, it´s like Adobe hide it, so again thank you.


And thank you for the nice replay 😊.

I appreciate it thank you.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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This will help, thank you.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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Right, just read a page about this & about adobe photoshop cs6 extended, most downloaded program in history of Photoshop.

“Explaining, that Photoshop don’t want private people to own Photoshop!”

“Something about old history with hackers & hacking an unstable Photoshop!”

“Meaning no updates & issues & crashed with no back-ups!”

Buying a CD on Ebay or an old version cost around 30/60euro, then getting Lightroom Topaz around the same around mostly 30Euro some are higher around 50/60Euro.

Finding a real version is hard & tricky, since people honestly sell fake-ones.

Why you got to buy a (CD) with it not an online key or from a trust worthy tech-shop.

Old version would be around 30x3=90euro for everything, no bulls**t no s**t asked & a full version.


Filters, you can create yourself or download free tools or brushes or text/fonts, or create your own.


This is something Adobe hates & why they created online system, to get more $Cash$ it´s all about money my friend & because simply people rather download buy the CD/full-version, then the online version that aren´t really that much better.

Sure, more tech, simpler click & touch, but that way more boring than the old version.

New version is a half AI half problem anyway.

Tested PaintShop-Pro – New Photoshop, old photoshop other photoshop & other photo programs, still photoshop cannot be out matched sadly.


So, on Humble Bundle you can get PaintShop-Pro full version for around 30euro, everything included & even a bunch of free items with it.

On Ebay or Amazon or other shops, like Photoshop c6 extended you can find a CD on Proshop & other platforms, you can get the old CD for around 30 euro (Ebay), or the new version photoshop elements 2022 for around 300/500euro, mostly 300euro for only photoshop elements.

A cheap simply touch click photoshop.


Clearly in fact, by reading about Adobe/Photoshop/Lightroom is that Adobe don´t want any private people to use or get photoshop.

Photoshop as a most new version has become a most new cluster-fudge, most new updates or getting the best, you have to be a company, a school, a state or an insanely rich person, like Elon Musk.

“If not, you cannot afford it, a normal working person cannot pay around 150euro each month, well they can, but that be 150x12=1800euro each year!”

Something most don´t want to pay trust me…

Simply, I bought PaintShop-Pro, did not like it.

Barrow an old Photoshop CD from a tech friend, think it was Photoshop extended cs6.

Loved it, great software simple to use just great.

But it can only be used on one (PC) so back it goes.

Tested out Photoshop elements 2024, on a designer’s laptop working with creating logos & designs.

Did not like it, awful software if you ask me.

Did on the other hand like Lightroom & the new Topaz he had.

But the new Photoshop, with touch & AI system /Yeah no thank you, not paying 70/120 Or 150 each month for that s**t sorry Adobe, but no.


So, searching around Ebay now for a Photoshop extended cs6 with the 3D effect, sadly I realize many are fake.

So, not looking for other areas that aren´t like Ebay/CDON/Tradera/Blocket/Amazon, since people have clearly fake ones they are selling.

Looked at Proshop/Elgiganten/MaxGaming (They cost around 300/500euro)

So, might buy one of does, at least it´s a CD & a real version.


But honestly, I lost all trust & respect for Adobe, I get they want as much money as possible.

Since yeah $Power & money$ is power.

And who don´t want power right?

But yeah, I am not paying that much for a online version, sorry Adobe but you´re insane if you believe anybody want to pay that much for a /slightly better touch version.


/I will keep searching finding a (CD) because I don´t want the new version anyway, by my opinion it sucks.

And the version it sucks, is because it´s not worth the cost, not that it is version then the old Photoshop.

But that over-rated over extreme Photoshop isn´t needed anyway, if you just want to make a touch to a photo, or create a text.

So, it´s simply over kill…


That´s all I got to say.






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Community Beginner ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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Thanks to Davescm, I got a few answers answered, thank you for that.

Still thinking about buying an older version (CD) I will tinker around with this.

Or fine 10/12euro each month, I’m okay with that, if it´s the newest version.


If not buying the old one for just 30euro, an old used CD with a key, will be my pick, sorry Adobe but just google (How do people afford Photoshop now days) & you get my point of view & all my friends & other designers, saying /no /nopp /not happening adobe I am not paying around 70/120/150 each month for included stuff I don´t really need.


“And I get it, it´s insanely much money for a created finished coded software you can sell billions off that´s already done!”

Sure, new updates & all, but then you guys create something new (Like) photoshop X3000 with a new feature & then you have to get that if you work with photos & designs.


It´s just a no go.  


Thank God for nice people like Dacescm, thank you for that nice answer, really, I do appreciate it.







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Community Expert ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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Still thinking about buying an older version (CD)


By @CSL69


That's not going to work.  The people who can sell CS6 are Adobe, and they Stopped doing that many years ago.  If you find someone selling CS6 on a CD then that's pirated software.  Plus you won't be able to activate it as the activation servers are no longer working.   If you live in a country where $10 a month is more than you can aford, then Photoshop is not an option for you.  There are lots of other options, and some of them are free, so why beat yourself up over this?  Check out Krita for instance.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 17, 2024 Apr 17, 2024

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Photoshop Elements (no subscription needed) under USD $100.

Creative Cloud Photography Plan (approx USD $10/month for 12 months). Includes the following:

  • Photoshop CC and Photoshop on iPad
  • Camera Raw
  • Lightroom on desktop, mobile and the web
  • Lightroom Classic
  • Portfolio website + hosting
  • Adobe Express (free starter plan)
  • Bridge
  • 20 GB cloud storage (upgradable to 1 TB).
  • Free upgrades for paid subscribers



Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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