I am new to Photoshop SDK CS2 plugin programming. Can anyone help me to find out any code or any information to display bitmap image on plugin dialog using photoshop API and not the Windows API or MFC. I am just using a simple Dialog extending PIDialog Class and placed a picture control at design time using resource editor in windows (Visual Studio).
When I pass the resourceID of an Image in design time to picture control it displays the image and plugin is also working good but don't know how to pass it at runtime.
Thanks for your reply. My Plugin is an Automation type plugin and is visible in File/Automate menu. I am just opening a 'File Browse Dialog Box' through 'Open File' Button on Plugin Dialog to select a image file (*.bmp) then I want to display that image in thumbnail in Picture Control box on plugin Dialog (just like the File/Automate/Picture Package... plugin already included in Photoshop cs2).
I have also downloaded the code given by you. again thanks for that. I am trying to understand the code. But I think it is too much for just displaying an image in picture control.
Well, Frankly Speaking I have no idea about that. Now, Instead of PIDialog Class, I am trying to use ADMDialog Suite. May be it will help to use Win32 API.