Hello all,
I have a large set of photos from last week's amazing Aurora. I manually bracketed exposures by various shutter speeds, not knowing what the ideal shutter was at the time.
I was shooting with the camera aimed straight up, using an 8mm fisheye, so there was no way to look at the back of the camera during all this (all shots were triggered remotely).
I now have a large collection of images that vary between -3 and +3 stops relative to the ideal frame (determined after having a chance to review).
Is there a way to normalize all the shots so they're the same matching exposure? All were shot in RAW, but wondering if there's a way to even out the exposures with TIF versions?
Are there any tools in PS to help smooth the varying exposures out to be approximately the same? Trying to do this by eye is impossible.
All shots were at the same ISO and fstop of course.
Thank you!