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I changed my sync folder in the creative cloud app and now the option in the history window has disappered.
I found my creavtive cloud files folder for my gmail account but it now pops up an error windowof the location is not avalible
How do i fix this and go to older versions of a file, Thanks
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Don't you save files to your primary hard drive and an external backup drive?
I have files saved to the primary, an external drive and a data backup & recovery service called Backblaze. Backblaze keeps older files for 30 days.
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thats not the problem. I cant access older version of files now. even if save now want to see the older version from today. How do i fix this?
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I can't discern what the problem is from your description. Sorry.
When you save files, you need to keep track of exactly where they are saved -- a folder on your local hard drive, externals, cloud drives, etc...
The recent history panel is temporary. It changes based on your activity.
A file search by date & timestamp with your operating system's file manager (Mac Finder or Windows File Explorer) might help shed some light.
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Do you mean version history?
Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document (
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yes thats what i mean. the option has now diasppered. do you know to fix it