Image freezes after scaling in Photoshop
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Version PS: 23.5.1
I reinstalled several times to fix the problem!!
When I edit a RAW or PSD and have different layers, it happens regularly that I can no longer scale the image all of a sudden. The frame in the navigator is then the size of a web banner, regardless of whether I scale it to 5% or 2000%. The cursor changes to an arrow and no longer changes. I can click different tools to select them, but it doesn't switch. If I restart PS or reopen the picture it works again. I can't find the solution to unlock this type of lock again.
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When Photoshop crashes, this is the first thing to do, try resetting your Photoshop preferences. Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (Mac OS) immediately after launching Photoshop. You will be prompted to delete the current settings. You can also reset preferences upon a quit if Photoshop is running by going into General Preferences>General>Reset on Quit.
(Mac OS only) Open the Preferences folder in the Library folder*, and drag the Adobe Photoshop CS Settings folder to the Trash.
This action only affects the items found in the preferences dialog box. Numerous program settings are stored in the Adobe Photoshop Preferences file, including general display options, file-saving options, performance options, cursor options, transparency options, type options, and options for plug‑ins and scratch disks. Brushes (and lots of other setting) are not affected by the above instructions for deleting preferences. You may wish to make a screen capture of the settings in the Preferences dialog to reset them prior to deleting of this file.
*To manually delete Photoshop preferences:
Quit Photoshop.
Navigate to Photoshop's Preferences folder:
MacOS**: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Windows 10: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
The user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. In the Finder, hold down the Option key when using the Go menu. Library will appear below the current user's home directory. Now you can drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe for a back-up of your settings
If that doesn't fix the issue:
Go to Preferences > Performance... and uncheck Multithreaded Compositing - and restart Photoshop.
Still crashing?
Go to Preferences > Performance... click Advanced Settings... and uncheck "GPU Compositing" - then restart Photoshop. Still crashing?
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Version PS: 23.5.1
I couldn't reply in my last post.
Re: Image freezes after scaling in Photoshop
Unfortunately, the recommended settings did not help. When I edit a RAW or PSD and have different layers, it happens regularly that I can no longer scale the image all of a sudden. The frame in the navigator is then the size of a web banner, regardless of whether I scale it to 5% or 2000%. The cursor changes to an arrow and no longer changes. I can click different tools to select them, but it doesn't switch. If I restart PS or reopen the picture it works again.
The hint leads me to nothing, where can I find "GPU compositing"?
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I would suggest trying to install Photoshop 2023 (v24.x). Then go to Preferences > Technology Previews... and enable "Older GPU mode (pre 2016). Restart Photoshop. Does the problem persist?