Like you said, very likely that the problem is with the licence... but it's hard for me to validate if it's the licence file that is damaged, the project files or else.. effectively there is something missing in the bundle (the file size of 0 or just a few k instead of more than a Mo for the working pluggin).
The obvious solution is to reinstall CodeWarrior, but i'm not sure if it will be affecting the licence generation and just giving me more problems. Anyway, i have sent a message to Freescale to see what they suggest as reinstall strategy.
ps: I'm aware that CW10 is a end of line product, it's very likely that the SDK samples will be redone in another environnement (Xcode?) and i will have to make the port one day. But not being a full time c++/pluggin developper, i tought it was more safe to go with the Adobe suggested tools (not having too much uncertainities to deal with).
Maybe the SDK (samples) has been updated to XCode already??