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Issues to move canvas while doing a selection with lasso tool.

Community Beginner ,
Apr 28, 2020 Apr 28, 2020

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Hello I recently moved from CS to CC and also got a new (from intous 5 to) Wacom One display. And I'm having some inconveniences when using PS CC.

1- Fisrt thing I noticed is some small delay when doing selections with the lasso tool, when I'm "drawing" the selction it works fine but when I finish/close the selection it happens that the line disappear and reappear with a small delay, I never experienced that with CS. Not big deal but it's a bit odd

2-  Also with lasso tool. A thing that I'm very used to do on my work is while drawing a selection (mostly when zoomed in) I hold the spacebar to move the canvas (without realeasing the selection) then realease the spacebar and continuing drawing the selection. But now on CC when I'm using the lasso tool if I press the spacebar nothing happens, I don't see the cursor change to the hand icon (same thing happens if I use mouse instead of the stylus) so I'm forced to close the selection then move the canvas. And an even more weird thing is that just by chance when I was trying to make this works I noticed that when holing the spacebar (while doing the selection) if I press the stylus button (that whould be the "right click" button) then the cursor change to the hand icon and can move the canvas without closing the selection, but that way is pretty unconfortable and sometimes a bit erratic. I still have CS and it works fine there.

I tried changing the engine to legacy but it didn't fixed these issues.  

I use windows (64bits), both 10 and 7 but I care more about fixing these issues on Win7.







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New Here ,
Sep 27, 2024 Sep 27, 2024

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Same problem here 4 years later, that's very Adobe behavior honestly





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