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Layer mask weirdness.

Contributor ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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I am trying to edit some photos from a recent photo shoot I did for a friend. I use layer masks a lot in my workflow. I was trying to to paint with white on a black layer mask. For a while, it was working great. Until I decided to press shift+alt to bring up a red overlay. Something broke after that. I have double and triple checked that I am painting on the later mask. First, the brusg behaved like I had the flow set to 1%. I had the flow set to 100%, the opacity to 100%, and the mode to normal. I had to paint over and over aghain before the black changed to white. Yes, I double and triple checked all my settings. When I screw up by leaving the opacity or flow way down, I notice quickly. It was not my mistake. Then I restarted PS. That problem corrrected. Then, I was painting on white on my layer mask. Instead it behaved like I was painting on the layer itself. It gave me a strip of pure white. Yes, I made damn sure I was painting on the layer mask, and not the layer. But wait! The plot thickens! The white that I was painting only showed up in selected areas. Meaning it showed up in certain areas, then when I painted in other areas, it did not show up. This weirdness did not correlate with the areas that the layer mask was blocking out. And yes, yes, yes, I made sure I was painting on the layer mask. And yes, I reset my prefs multiple times, and restarted my computer also. My layer masks continue to give me grief. My PS version is 22.43. I am on Windows 10. Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.







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Contributor ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Sorry for the typos! Ugh! Later=layer, brusg=brush.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Are you able to send a screenshot for us to look at?





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Contributor ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Well, I was able to make things work by deleting the layer I was working on and starting over. I had my background layer, which I duplicated. I then used a highpass sharpen on the top layer. I then added a layer mask on the sharpen layer, and pressed cntrl I to convert the the layer mask to black. I then was painting on my layer mask with white to reveal the sharpening in only selected areas. I am not sure where I went wrong. After I deleted the layer and redid it, now it is working correctly. I also did the shift+alt to give me the red overlay. This time, I did not have an issue. I wonder if my layer somehow became corrupted?





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