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i am very new to photoshop and have to teach myself how to do whatever i'm doing as i do it........
I've got an image i've made which is a rectangle (in portrait layout), with rounded corneres, in the psd file i've erased the corners of the image outside of the actual images rounded corners so i just have a transparrent background visible as the corners of the canvas, which ever way i the save this image and go to use it i still have the visible corners of the rectangular canvas showing.....
how do i get the whole thing to be just my rounded cornered image with no canvas corners ruining it?
many thnaks
1 Correct answer
There's no way you can make a photoshop canvas side rounded, what you can do is just ctrl+click the layer thumbnail of the image that you did you will notice in the canvas area the image will have a selection, after that go to image menu >> crop. It will crop your canvas exactly the same as your image. Hope it helps.
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There's no way you can make a photoshop canvas side rounded, what you can do is just ctrl+click the layer thumbnail of the image that you did you will notice in the canvas area the image will have a selection, after that go to image menu >> crop. It will crop your canvas exactly the same as your image. Hope it helps.

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i've followed those steps but still have corners to my image, i'm probably missing something really obvious here......
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make sure that you are saving to a file format that supports transparency. The JPG file format doesn't support transparency unlike GIF and PNG.

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followed all these steps, still have a rounded rectangle image with white corners of the
canvas no matter what format, even tried messing with it in illustrator.
it must be possible to create an image that when inserted on any background or in any software is simply a rounded rectangle???
is there some other software that makes this possible?
i'm a complete newbie at messing with graphics but i can't believe you can't create an image thats a simple rounded rectangle.....
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If you're going to be using your image in a Page Layout app like InDesign or Quark xPress, you could use a Clipping Path. In Photoshop's Paths palette, select 'Clipping Path' from the palette menu. The path has to be "saved" (named) for this to be available. You can then save the doc as a TIFF or JPEG.
Other than Page Layout apps, though, I don't think there's a lot of support for clipping paths.

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like i say, i'm a graphics newbie so i might be trying to reeinvent the wheel as a square.......
i want to be able to put this black rounded rectangle into email message bodies, facebook group invites and other such insert picture from file style functions with it appearing on whatever i put it on as a crisp black rounded corner rectangle......
maybe this just isn't possible without the rectangle canvas corners showing?.....
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You have your background layer...
1/ Now create your rounded corner or whatever on a new layer(s) above...
2/ Turn off the backround layer (click the eye off) and you'll get the chequered background. (Make sure there's no other layer(s) below with any fill...)
3/ Save for Web in either .gif or .png formats and make sure that the 'Transparency' enabled box is checked...
(There are some caveats... for instance, in .gif, you'll be asked for a matte colour... if you know the background colour you will be using, use that as the matte.)
Hope this solves your problem...

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my original image is just 1 layer called layer 1, not back ground, i followed the instructions to just have the rounded corner rectangle highlighted, created a new doc with white background (clipboard size), this had 1 layer called background, inserted a new layer and pasted in my rounded rectangle onto layer 1, turned background layer off and saved for web as both gif and png and both of then have rectangle corners with a lined outline making the squared rectangle around my image, as with all other methods......
i'm really not understanding why i can't lose these corners?.......

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don't know why this is now tagged as answered, it's still something i've not managed to sort it, not being ungrateful, i really appreciate all the input, i just can't fathom for the life of me why something that seems like it should be simple is taking days to not effect.....

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Post a screen shot, include your image and your layers pallet. Also tell us what settings EXACTLY that you are choosing when you save.

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See if these help
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I'm guessing that your transparent layer is just not fully transparent. 99% or something similar. Try saving as a PNG24 (not PNG8) and if it seems to behave as you're wanting I'd say that's the culprit.
Down and dirty: you just need to change the matting in the GIF setting to none (you have white selected right now).

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tried both the above, if it wasn't for those pesky corners!...........
other than in the 'save as for web.....' box where i can't find any tranparency percentage settings (only for dither), is there anywhere before the save as part where i can check/set these?.....
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Reset your save for web prefs. Hold control and alt while launching save for web from the menu. If you saved the logo you showed in the screen grab as a PNG24 and didn't get a transparent file, I'm going to go out on a limb and say something about your machine / setup is &%#ed. Start with the prefs.
Of course this latest save for web screen grab had you logo in it, which wasn't in your screen grab of the document. Turn off those layers and try that too. You can test to see if you doc is fully transparent by saving the layer transparency as a channel (or just going to the temp channel there in the layers panel when the layer is selected) and adjust levels and pull the middle slider to the far left and far right. You should see no change in the channel as you do this.

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cheers for all this but none if it's producing the desired effect, i've been mailing graphics people i k now and most
of them tell me i can't lose the corners of the canvas and i just don't believe that................

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Ok, wait...I don't think you are understanding things correctly.
Please reread the first post:
There's no way you can make a photoshop canvas side rounded, what you can do is just ctrl+click the layer thumbnail of the image that you did you will notice in the canvas area the image will have a selection, after that go to image menu >> crop. It will crop your canvas exactly the same as your image. Hope it helps.
The overall file will be rectangle. But the portion where the white is showing can be made transparent (as all the above posts are guiding you to do). Once the corners are transparent and the image is placed into the program, website, etc that you are using it will then appear to be a rounded corner rectangle because you will be seeing through the white portion around the corners.
Take a look at this image:
This is a rounded corner .gif image. I placed this image into an Indesign file which had a pink background. Notice the blue rectangle around the black shape. That rectangle represents the actual canvas size of the document which I created the rounded corner rectangle image in photoshop. So all that space between the black image and the blue outline has been made transparent and you are seeing through it, however the original .gif image is actually the size and shape of that blue line (border).
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My take on this is that you have by now correctly produced the photoshop image you want.
The problem, I am guessing, is the way in which you are trying to evaluate your result, which by the way, you never stated. There are many applications in which your image would show up with the white corners when the image is perfectly fine and has transparent corners.

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i think i'm finally getting there, and you're right, i think half the problem is how i'm evaluating what i want / expectthis to end up like, now i think i've got the transparrent corners going on, it's the border of the canvas that's bugging me, which is why i'm not seeing my corners as transparrent, they are as the area outside the canvas border is white as are the corners between border and rounded image, but with the canvas border there as a line i still don't have my rounded rectangle as this border line squares it off and outlines my image.........
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You ARE seeing the grey checkerboard pattern indicating transparency outside your rectangle when saving, right?