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please help me... my pc suddently crashed and i didn't save my artwork in photoshop. when i opened it the file is completely tuned back. and it showing only one layer. please help me get it back this is really important to me and i tried everything.
i can provide the psd file. pls help me this is important to my portfolio.
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please help me... my pc suddently crashed and i didn't save my artwork in photoshop.
By @Luis Alberto_Reyes3607
I think there's no chance to restore your work.
For the future: Save your file regularly during you work in a application!!!
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I also face it usually 2-3 years ago. When i´ve updated my ram it´s over.
Today i was surprised with the same error, in a very new version of the software and runnint it in an actual gamer notebook.
I lost, again, hours of work and more, coz not every time a professional could handle everything in his job hours, so it will be great if adobe could look at this error as an urgent issue.
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A crash when saving on your PC is not something Adobe can investigate. It is usually down to failing hardware or a poor/disrupted connection if using an external drive. The reason you see one layer is that Photoshop has been able to recover the flattened compatibilty layer from the corrupted file.
The prevention, in addition to checking your disks for hardware failure, is the same as above, regularly use Save As while you work, and name the saved files incrementally i.e filename001.psd, filename002.psd...etc If you estimate that an hour is the most you can lose then Save As every hour if it is 30 minutes then Save As every 30 minutes. Then encountering such an issue is simply a matter of stepping back to the last known good incremental file. You can delete the incremental files after checking that the last one opens OK.
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Thx for tips.
But it happens even saving on my online acc. Furthermore, it´s not practical stop every 30 mintutes to save 2 versions of the same archive to avoid the error. I´m pretty sure that my disk is running without problems. It would be much better if the developers could make a chek saved files on code, verifing after completition if the new file presents layers and more.
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I´m pretty sure that my disk is running without problems.
By @Pressing_GR
The long and short of it is that file corruption is always caused by failing hardware (including cables and connectors). No exception. The most common cause is saving directly to external storage or over a network connection. Next on the list is failing drives or bad RAM.
This is why we have backups and do incremental saving.
Actually Photoshop does use a safe save procedure. It saves to a temp file first, then that is error-checked before finalizing the save.
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"then that is error-checked before finalizing the save."
Works fine like my disk!