P: Photoshop Update 24 Feb 2023: Rulers not visible
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After today's update the rulers and guides are not visible and will not turn on with the crtl R. Anyone else have this issue? How do I fix this?
[Title edited for clarity]
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Hi all,
We're happy to announce the release of Photoshop 24.5. This update includes the fix for this issue. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
To update Photoshop to 24.5, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating
Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.
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Yeah, I'm having this same problem - glad to know I'm not alone. Guess I'll just have to go back to the last version. Maybe it's just me, but little bugs like this seem to happen with a lot of the minor Ps updates.
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Same here, Windows 10. Resetting preferences didn't solve the problem.
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The keyboard shortcut was already Cntl+R.. I removed it and re-entered it. No change.
The window does change in size when using the shortcut but nothing new (i.e., rulers) appears. Hopefully your programmers can make fixing the thigns they broke a high priority to repair.
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The PC with old GPU and are using the graphics processor at PS startup, the ruler will disappear (ctrl+R). If the graphics processor is not used when PS is started, the ruler will be displayed.
The PC with relatively new GPU, it will display correctly.
The graphics processor compatibility check shows that it can be used, but has there been any change in the GPU requirements?
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This isn't a typo. I've forgotten to change my signature after updating Photoshop to 24.2
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For the last five months (after v. 24 release) my rulers will not show in Photoshop. I am on a Windows 10 laptop. I have been using PSP since 1994 and have had no issues like this prior. Nothing is hidden and toolbars are not covering anything. The program appears to "adjust/shift in screen" as if the rulers will appear, but it remains blank.
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I have the same no rulers issue.
Started with Rulers turned on but not showing. Then turned on >Show Grid. Black blank lines appeared where the rulers usually show. I then turned off and on Rulers and they now are showing. May not be permanent fix, but at least it works for now.
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Hi all, let's make sure this is not a graphics driver issue. Could everyone with NVidia cards make sure they have updated to the latest and see if this solves this. The team has noted that no code was changed that would result in this issue between 24.1.1 and 24.2.
Thank you,
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I work with a NVidia Geforce GTX 1050 Ti and have installed the latest Studio Driver version 528.49.
On my system the ruler works as it should.
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Thanks all, the team will investigate this isue.
Thank you,
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I was having this same problem, but just turned on "Snap to -- Guides" under the View menu, and my rulers are back.
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J'utilise Photoshop CC pour la première fois depuis la dernière mise à jour exécutée cette semaine.
Problème : les règles ont disparu. Impossible de les réafficher.
Dans le menu affichage, elles sont bien cochées. L'image laisse bien la place pour elles le long des côtés du plan de travail. Mais, impossible de les afficher. Avec Ctrl+R, l'image se modifie pour leur laisser la place, mais il n'y a pas d'affichage.
Je suis allé sur l'aide pour controle. Mais, rien n'y a changé.
Ce problème a-t-il déjà été repéré ?
Merci pour vos réponses.
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@MMag01 this issue appears to affect some people
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I am using Windows 10 Pro with the latest PS update, and I, too, do not have rulers.
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I have the same problem. My rulers are not showing after the recent update. Annoying.
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back! At least temporarily. Thank you for this suggestion 🙂
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Hi everyone,
I just installed Photoshop 24.2.0 and the rulers dissapered. Yes, they were turned on & all the settings were propperly set in the prefferences (I'm using Windows 10. Dell pecision workstation tower 5810). Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix? I reinstalled the previouse version & the rulers came back however I'd really like to use the most current version of photoshop since I teach Photoshop. Thanks, Frederick
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here, https://community.adobe.com/
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.
<moved from using the community>
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HI, I have the same problem. Windows 10 64 bit installed, Nvidia Quadro K2200, 16 GB RAM, Intel I7 6700 CPU 3,4 GHz. The previous version works properly. I'll try to update the video drivers.
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I have updated the video drivers, but nothing has changed. The rulers are not visible.
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try this step and then restart your Photoshop and check whether the issue gets resolved or not,
Open Photoshop's preferences by clicking on Edit > Preferences > Go to Technology preview, you will find an option labeled as "Deactivate native canvas", check mark it, and then see there should be another option that is labeled as "Use older node of GPU 2016", check mark it and then restart the Photoshop
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Great! It's all right now! thank you very much!
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This issue appears to affect some people
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you're welcome.