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Pattern preview creates hidden path

New Here ,
Nov 15, 2023 Nov 15, 2023

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I process a lot of patterns and use the pattern preview for that.
It now appears that when activating this function, a hidden path is created that appears when saving as a TIF and when opening it again.
If you save the file as PNG, this path will not be included in the file.
It is very frustrating that these paths are created hidden without being informed and you only see them after reopening the saved file.
In a Photoshop document, after activating pattern preview, it is stored hidden and you can no longer see or delete it?!
As soon as you save the PSD as a TIF, does it appear again even though you do not see it in the PSD?
Does anyone else experience this problem and know a solution to show hidden paths so you can delete them before saving?
As an example, I have in below link a screen recording (NL Photoshop version)
Pattern preview hidden path test 





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