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I have a problem with photoshop V22.1.1... Whenever I start photomerge photoshop freezes and I can't do anything. I have to kill it from the task manager...
Can anyone help?
1 Correct answer
I kind of have solved the problem.. in case anyone has the same issue... I was trying to access the photomerge from the menus File>Automate>Photomerge.
Instead I opened my photos in camera RAW and then did the photomerge through the camera raw...
The first method still doesn't work with me for some reason...
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And here is the real crazy thing which makes me think its really an Adobe problem - Photomerge and Help System Info... work flawlessly in Lightroom Classic!
Come on Adobe, pull your finger out!
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Update in September 2024: Still a problem in Photoshop version 25.12, on my HP Envy laptop. Keeping these refreshed so Adobe can know that we're still waiting a few years after the problem was initially reported. I did work for quite a while with support on the phone, so they have a case, with my log files and all other details. It's just not a priority I guess.
Update on Oct 17, 2024: A new major version of Photoshop was released. This bug is still present in this new release of Photoshop CC 2025 (version 26.0.0).
Update on Jan 9, 2025: This bug still exists in Photoshop CC 2025 (version 26.2.0).
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So somebody just accepted a reply as a "correct answer". Except that what the correct answer says worked, does not work any better than calling it up through Photoshop. The bug continues to exist for a subset of Photoshop users, in particular those using it on certain HP hardware.
I spent a few hours with an Adobe Support person who was extremely thorough, and he created a case with my log files and other details about my system. Everything he expected would fix it did not. We wiped all adobe software off of the system, reinstalled, ran it in safe mode, etc. He was surprised by this and was fully invested in trying to fix it, but could not. So it's a case in Adobe's system and I've provided all information that I could.
This is not "Solved". The issue persists.
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Hi, I have a problem using photoshop Photomarge.
Every time I click on Photomarge, the program crashes and closes automatically?
How can this problem be solved?
I have the latest available version of the program 26.3 running on Windows 10
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz 4.20 GHz
32gb ram