Photoshop 22.2 extremely slow to initiate.
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This 22.2 upgrade takes a massive 25 seconds to allow access once the splash screen has loaded.
I have reinstalled 22.1 and start-up is back to being instantaneous. However, PS has reverted back to its out-of-the-box state. I have no personalised workspaces and my prefs have reset and my 100s of actions have vanished - which is more than devastating. The Adobe Presets (Windows) folder is empty. A system restore does not correct any of this.
This is infuriating to say the least - so quick on the heals of Lightroom Classic updates 10.1 and 10.1.1 which still remain unusable to me due to the performance issues they introduced.
Is Adobe becoming sloppy these days? Or complacent?
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Hi. Maybe this info can be helpful:
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Thanks for the link. However, this is specifically an issue since 22.2.
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I have now reinstalled PS 22.2 three times. Each time, there is no change in behaviour, ie: after the splash screen, it takes a further 25 seconds of frozen UI before I can access any function. It would seem that a background activity is taking 25 seconds to initiaate. But I cannot determine what this is. Perhaps the new sync presets to iCloud takes time to initiate! Any views?
In addition, when I import a file from Lightroom Classic (from within LRC Ctrl+E), the same delay happens; once PS has opened, there will be a 25 second delay before the file from LRC begins to load.
Reverting back to 22.1, and its start-up is instantaneous.
Additionally, the PSUserConfig.txt file (Written to resolve the continuing Wacom Tablet pen pressure compatibility issue) has to be added back to the Adobe Photoshop 2021 Settings folder.
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Same condition here! Except after the splash screen, the main Photohop window opens, but it's 70secs before it becomes active. During that 70 secs, there's a lot of disc activity. Have gone back to 22.1.1 which hasn't got the problem, but lost all settings etc. as well. NOT very happy!
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My application window opens after the splash screen - but from that point it's locked for 25 seconds before it becomes useable.
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Do you notice high disk activity during the 25 secs?
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SSD (C-drive) peaks at about 68% then drops to 0%, CPU peaks at 40% then drops to 2% after 25 seconds
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Similar here. All disk access for the 70 secs is on C: drive.
Hopefully this may help adobe identify the problem.
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Same here.
Opening just a simple low-res jpeg image takes a ridiculously long time using PS 22.2. Photoshop seems to launch just fine, and the image loads very quickly, but then there's a really long delay before I can access any tools or menu items.
Note: I've tried doing a clean instal (even tried doing a clean install using Adobe's uninstaller - still to no dice).
It's definitely an issue introduced with version 22.2.
Lenovo Legion i7 laptop
Internal drives NVMe 256GB C drive + 2TB hd drive
wi-fi connection is strong and speedy enough (i.e. 300+ Mbits/second)
Granted, this isn't a beast of a computer, but it's well within Adobe's specs for running Photoshop, and (as previously indicated) all I'm doing is opening a low-res jpeg image.
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Today I opened the "Creative Cloud Desktop" app., and it said there was an update (V22.2) to photoshop.
I am already running 22.2.
I let it update, only took half a minute, still says V22.2, and STILL takes 70secs before able to do anything after the main UI opens.
What the hell are Adobe doing??? If they can't check for updates properly, should they really be writing software!!!!!
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Just updated to V22.3. NO change to the 70 secs it takes to open!!!!!
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I had an issue 2 weeks ago with Creative Cloud requesting sign-in every time I launched an Adobe app. It became so unbearable that I contacted tech support. My PC was remotely accessed by them, and credential files and various folders deleted. This temporarily fixed the sign-in issue.
I also asked about this unacceptable wait for Photoshop 22.2 (and LrC 10.1) to become usable after the splash screen has gone. I was told that Ps 22.2 is loading a lot more AI than 22.1, hence the wait. I said that, at a 25sec wait, I was sceptical about that claim.
Anyway, the fix did not last long, and I was back online to tech support. This time a different person deleted different folders, and CC 'control panel' was reinstalled. Not only did it fix the sign-in issue, but loading Ps and LrC is back to how it should be. Nothing to do with AI loading at all!
Conclusion: there are some Adobe files that are causing this bottleneck. Perhaps allowing tech support into your PC may be the way forward.
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Thanks for that info.
I contacted support, spent nearly 2hrs remote accessing. Only real change made was increasing a cache size a bit. Dropped from the 70secs to 55secs.
Was told that is normal for the graphics card (Radeon Rx580 Series), but seems to me it's an excuse for "I don't know what the problem is".
I referred the support person to your post where you said some folders were deleted & CC control panel reinstalled, but he took no notice of that.
Unless this problem is recognised & fixed in the near future, I will have to reconsider my monthly subscription & go back to PS CS6!!!
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As if all of this isn't enough, I've tried to make a post regarding another chat with support, but get the following error message:
Post Flooding Detected (Community received posts of a unique message more than 1 times within 3,600 seconds).
Being trying multiple times over the last 6 hrs & still knocked back!!!!!
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I made another support call, and AGAIN referred him to the post by Jon-M-Spear regarding deleting of folders, but yet AGAIN this was ignored. Was told it probably was the graphics card (Radeon RX580). I asked what my options were other than buying a new card, and was told to go back to previous version, or wait till next PS update to see if problem fixed. Obviously most of these support people have NO CLUE.
I found an adobe page listing requirements of a graphics card, and all seem to pass the check for RX580.
I would NOT recommend ANY adobe product to anyone after this!!
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The dropping from 70 secs to 55 secs reported in earlier post, is no longer ... back to the 70 secs.
This is if I just open PS as an app.
However, the timing is different if I open Bridge, double click an image to go to Camera Raw & then click Open to go to PhotoShop.
Opening Bridge ......10 secs
Opening Camera Raw .... 10 secs
PS Splash window ... 20 secs
PS Main UI ... 8 secs
So in total, about 48 secs, rather than the 70 secs opening PS from start.
What does this mean? Who knows. Maybe to an Adobe expert it might mean something!!!
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Looks like version 22.4 update has fixed this problem. Only have to wait 4-5 secs after main UI opens before becoming active.
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Yay! I just updated to version 22.4.1.
I can now access menu items and tools almost immediatly after the app launches. It's a vast improvement over the past few Photoshop iterations.
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I've noticed almost all the computers at the university I go to have this problem. They are running 22.5.1 most have NVidia 3090 cards.
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Where were the files you deleted? Which folders?
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Just got back to 22.1.1
the 22.2 was slow whem zooming in and out and sometimes even the cursor was laggy.
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Based on this thread, I'm about to downgrade to 22.11.
I am beyond frustrated with the sluggish behavior of Photoshop in the past few months. The simple process of LAUNCH, NEW DOCUMENT, PASTE takes eons. There's nothing wrong with my preferences. There's nothing wrong with my system. The problem is your software.
I'm on an i7-13K with 64 Gigs of ram, and 3060ti with drivers that are completely current (older drivers also used in the past of course, and has not made any difference.)
I don't know if it's AI (that i do NOT use) code trying to sort itself out when PS launches, or the HTML interface hooks, or the cloud storage features (which I also don't use), or the Share Button (ditto.) But after literally 29 YEARS of using Adobe software, I have completely lost my patience and confidence with this software suite.