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Hi there,
I'd like to report a bug, as in subject. This happens only in 25.9 version, I've downgraded to 25.7, and it doesn't happen.
When I have a document, with couple of artboards in it (let's say, ad banners) - when I try to move any artboard, and, after clicking on the name, and starting to drag it to move it someplace alse - when I try to pass it over any other artboard, or layer, which is outside the artboards - PS freezes.
It happens every time, in every document I've opened.
1 Correct answer
I found the "solution"!!!
If you turn OFF [Auto-size Canvas] option, then there is no more freezing/hanging.
The only side-effect is the canvas size. It stays as is, so if you try to move an artboard out of the canvas, then it will be "hidden".
But the easiest way is to make two empty artboards (when [Auto-size Canvas] is on) and put these to the top left and bottom right corner of the "needed" canvas and then turn OFF the [Auto-size Canvas] option.
Edit: if you move an artboard out of canvas (bec
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I think this is insulting, I work in a profesional environment as most of us do and our workflow is completelly broken with this.
Figma on the contrary is the tool of the future, we can have like 300 frames at the same time without any lag, I believe photoshop is very dead for complex proyects, it just good on photos and one by one haha.
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Same on my side. We switched to figma for making ad banners and carousels.
I now use photoshop only for photo manipulation and for things that are missing in figma so workflow is kinda bouncing between Figma and PS ..
Figma is much faster without lagging + Faster exporting overall.
Its kinda sad that they cant fix this for so long time now.
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I've rolled back to version 24.75, and it seemed to fixed the issue. My guess is that the new bounding box previews of layers (I'm guessing that's how they're called) are messing with the fast previews of artboard changes.
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Now we have a new version of Photoshop 26.0, and the bug still exist.
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Now i only using v.24 for task needs multiple project artboard and using v.25 for photo editing hahaha
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I simply can't believe this, Adobe you should be ashamed!
So many profesionals now have their workflow blocked, trying to solve these things with others versions? why we pay for this? Should I download a pirated version instead? since I am reciving a faulty software anyway.
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So frustrating. Still there.
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Same here. Cant believe they didnt fix it before releasing that new "2025" version. Insane
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Unfortunately, we are having the same issue and cannot find a workaround (and why should we?).
The cost of the Creative Suite is hefty enough, why should we have to find tweaks and workarounds to use the software we all chose to pay for?
If that wasn't bad enough, we still have the transform tool sticking. Select to activate the box and it starts dragging or resizing itself.
Our system is not cheap and has more than enough power to handle anything we throw at it.
Get your act together, Adobe.
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Hi everyone, I created a new thread with a description of the bug, and I'd really appreciate it if you could vote and comment in this new thread. I hope there are many of us affected by this issue, and I’d be glad if someone at Adobe noticed it and started working on a solution. Thank you very much.
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Excuse my ignorance, but why duplicate the issue?
It's been moved to Ideas anyway and the thread's just being diluted. There have already been reports of the bug, but admins don't agree with it.
Also, a bug report should contain more info, like steps to reproduce, severity, how frequent it is etc.
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Maybe add your specs to this report as well?
That would be of help.
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I think its worth considering a class action lawsuit against Adobe for refusing to fix this issue. It quite literally makes the software unusable for any users that work with artboards for their projects. We not only pay for the sofrware license but also with the agreement that the software will be supported.
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Having the same issue. no solutions so far?
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no solution becouse Adobe and "admins don't agree with it" xD.
3 pages of complaning, bug reports, specs and nothing.
GG Adobe
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It feels like Adobe are only interested in the sexy AI features and don't want to know about boring core features like simply moving artboards! This was first reported over 5 months ago and still no fix. Graphic designers are deeply frustrated and will begin to look at alternative software solutions soon. Wake up Adobe!
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Upvoting. It's definitely an Adobe software issue. I've tested all of the fixes proposed by Community and the only one that worked for me was downgrading to 25.5 version. I'm using latest macOS on 14" MBP2021.
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Been struggling with this and found something that kind of helps. I can drag and move artboards freely until I add text to any artboard. Then dragging becomes sluggish and frequently hangs. The more text layers, the worse it seems to be. Hiding the text sadly doesn't do anything BUT if I make the text layer a Smart Object, things seem to behave more or less normally. Seems like as long as Photoshop doesn't see a text layer, it's basically happy. Tested in 25.12.0 on Mac M1 Ventura 13.2.1.
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Text layers are the issue, it would appear. I've just tested this and it does 100% speed things up. It's not as smooth as it should be but (dare I say) workable.
Thank you for this amazing workaround.
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Nice, this did help a lot to speed things up! It's not really great for our workflow, but at least it's workable. Thanks a lot.
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'Performance improvement' update for Photoshop 26.1.
Issue still there.
Adobe, you are laughable.
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Still nothing, am working on a project right now with multiple high res artboards and it is so frustrating
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Wow so glad i found this post but also as most of you, no luck and not so happy.
I even re installed and reset my whole Macbook becouse i was going to test. but no luck.
this is terrible. I have. M3 with 3tB disk and 128GB ram. Here is a file i wsa working with this summer on the same computer and it worked fine.. Smooth as butter and i was so happy with my new monster computer
But now i couldent even move a textlayer 10px in that file without lagging and waiting for 4 minutes.
Common Adobe.. whats up?
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Same problem here. Worked finally while downgrading the version to 25.7. Adobe please get your stuff together 😭