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Hi there,
I'd like to report a bug, as in subject. This happens only in 25.9 version, I've downgraded to 25.7, and it doesn't happen.
When I have a document, with couple of artboards in it (let's say, ad banners) - when I try to move any artboard, and, after clicking on the name, and starting to drag it to move it someplace alse - when I try to pass it over any other artboard, or layer, which is outside the artboards - PS freezes.
It happens every time, in every document I've opened.
1 Correct answer
I found the "solution"!!!
If you turn OFF [Auto-size Canvas] option, then there is no more freezing/hanging.
The only side-effect is the canvas size. It stays as is, so if you try to move an artboard out of the canvas, then it will be "hidden".
But the easiest way is to make two empty artboards (when [Auto-size Canvas] is on) and put these to the top left and bottom right corner of the "needed" canvas and then turn OFF the [Auto-size Canvas] option.
Edit: if you move an artboard out of canvas (bec
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Someone on another forum found a temporary solution.
The problem seems to be in the size of the sector.
When you create a new artboard the size of the sector changes.
and that change consumes a lot of resources.
so what I do is when I create a new file.
I create many empty work tables. With this, the size of the sector is expanded with empty tables, which does not require as many resources.
Then I disabled the "automatic canvas size" option.
When you do that you will realize that whether you create or delete new work tables, the size of the sector does not change.
and as a result. They move super fluid.
Be careful, don't leave the sector, because you can't work outside of it.
If you want to see the sector, you must enter the "view" "show" "sector" tab