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Can you assign an Action to a Keyboard Key that is NOT a Function Key ie: (cmd + shift + G)
Under Keyboard Shortcuts and Menues / Lanel Menus / Actions I can see some of Action Groups that I've created but non of the actions that make up that group.
Thanks - CES
Indirectly, you can write a script and once that script is properly installed, it will be listed in Keyboard Shortcuts where you can assign anything supported by other menu items.
#target photoshop
app.doAction(set, action);
Window.alert('Unable to run Action.\rError: ' + e + ' Line: ' + e.line);
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Indirectly, you can write a script and once that script is properly installed, it will be listed in Keyboard Shortcuts where you can assign anything supported by other menu items.
#target photoshop
app.doAction(set, action);
Window.alert('Unable to run Action.\rError: ' + e + ' Line: ' + e.line);
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