Photoshop CC 2018 (and 2019) extremely slow
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Hey guys,
I have a 2017 27" iMac, specs:
4.2 GHz Intel Core i7
40 GB 2400 MHz DDR4 RAM
Radeon Pro 580 8 GB Graphics
This machine shouldn't break a sweat with Photoshop, however Photoshop is performing the worst I've ever encountered this example is only a 350mb Photoshop file, with about 56 layers (most flattened with a mask) in 20 groups and 5200x3500px.
• When using a brush or eraser tool, it lags so much that it takes nearly a minute to complete the stroke – then doesn't even follow the stroke I made!
• Zooming in nearly crashes the file.
• After about 5 mins of trying, PS just stalls and wont do anything. Open Force Quit Apps and it doesn;t show PS as not responding either.
I've tried using it with the 'Use Graphics Processor' unticked and it runs even worse!
30gb of RAM alocated to PS.
Using default History & Cache
Scratch disk has 1.2tb spare
I never use flick panning or scrubby zoom, or any of those kind of features.
Would this benefit if I got an external SSD to use as a scratch disk?
What is going on here?
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same problem with files that ran perfectly fine in the previous version. no added plugins or anything other than the original Photoshop download so please fix this ASAP.
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I'm having the same problems and I have two dedicated SSD scratch disks that PS is not utilizing for some reason. I get hung up about one minute in and then everything becomes completely unresposive.
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Takes about 5-8 minutes to just even SAVE an 8 MB file...not to mention blinking cursor that switches back and forth from arrow to hand, etc, lagging brushes and tools, and on and on and on...when will this get fixed!??!??! Some of us use PS for a living and at this rate I can expect my projects to be done next year -_-
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Similar issue here, reverted to CS6
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Adobe, a US$52.99/mo. freak show... Please STOP the news things and DO THE BASIC!! Each release a bad surprise...please we need to work in a estable way!
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Adobe, a US$52.99/mo. freak show...
That price would not seem to be the Photography Plan but the full cloud license (including After Effects, Premiere, Indesign etc.).
If you have any particular and sensible complaints please post them on the appropriate Fora.
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I installed 2017 seems to run fine. Photoshop version 19.1.4 has a lag on all brushes on my machine. I to have a new Imac that is loaded 4.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 40 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
I'm running OS 10.13.4
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I just installed Photoshop CC 2018 and I am experiencing extremely slow brush strokes when trying to paint. I have more than adequate computer specs and have tried about a dozen things to try and fix the issue. I am so frustrated! PLEASE FIX THIS ADOBE.
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Maybe your video card or its drivers are not compatible with PS. Try turning off Use Graphics Processor in PS / Edit / Prefs / Performance. If that works then turn it back on, but turn off some of the advanced features and see if it sortof works.
If the Graphics Processor is already off, try turning it back on.
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Thank you for your reply. Strange, it doesn't seem to make a difference if the graphics processor is on or off.
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I was having same issue with brushes. I had smoothing set at 100 made it 0, now brushes work fine. Hope this helps you. If not maybe go back to PS 2017.
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19.2 is best version for MacOS IMHO, and CS6 – marvellous speed of action, Refine edge WORKING .
Dear Adobe don't You need photographers working on PS anymore? Really? How can we prepare publishing books and exhibitions without BASIC functions as selections, refinement of it? BTW, Cr/Lr is a piece of... joke with speed of work and no real color management (Windows/ color libraries are not color management)
I am truely dissapointed with CC world (69 Euro monthly)
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Thanks Randy, I had set smoothing to 0 a while ago while trying to troubleshoot this problem but unfortunately it didn't fix it. I've probably tried a dozen different things. How would I install photoshop 2017?
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How on earth is it possible that my Mac, built to be the latest powerful computer to handle Adobe products, which worked just a few days ago all of a sudden has brush lag with the latest updates on Photoshop? Face it, there are serious problems with the updates. We should NOT have to go back to earlier versions. I agree with a lot of the comments I've seen here and on other similar forum questions of the same nature. Newbies seem to be the target for Adobe to make it "easier" for them to get into the sophisticated Adobe software, when in reality, you should be working hard to keep your professional clients since we've been using these programs for ages. I've been using Photoshop since my son was 9 months old, and he is almost 24 now! Apparently, you have some heavy competition coming through the ranks that will overcome you if Adobe doesn't watch out! As a professional, I would think Adobe should be concerned that the software will work with the high performance it has in the past and work to pay attention to common problems that professionals have. After seeing tons of the same issue, this needs to be fixed so we don't have workflow problems!
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Go to your apps and click the arrow to the right of update or install, you will get a drop down menu.
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Thank you, it seems to be better! I scribbled the heck out of one of my brushes and it took forever for the lag to catch up.
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I'm having similar issues on a 2016 MacBook Pro while editing a relatively small 100MB PSD. 1GB+ PSD's with many layers used to work fine up until recently. I'm now using CC2017 and back to normal on MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5.
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Not sure if this helps anyone...
I'm using CC2017 on a WIN10 platform. For other reasons I have had to switch off my anti-virus (Kaspersky) when using PS, this immediately caused it to run very, very slowly. I followed the recommended process of checking Plug-Ins, I only had the Script Listener, when I removed it PS ran as normal. It runs fine with the AV enabled???
Kaspersky has recently caused me lots of problems where it keeps deleting my own application 'exe' files!
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Its great to see all the @adobe team members chiming in here with their 'support'
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I'm sure it's an issue with Kaspersky not PS.
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I called Adobe Support and found a solution. My main performance issue with using the Adjustment Brush. When I would tap the brush, I would get a 6-8 second spinning beach ball. Then applying the brush across my image would take another 10 seconds for the change to visually take effect.
So, the Adobe support gave me these steps and it worked for me.
1) Go to Preferences and then Performance tab.
2) Uncheck the "Use Graphics Processor" check box.
3) Click the "Purge Cache" button.
Not sure if this would work for others, but apparently my top-of-the-line 5K iMac may need a graphics driver update as the new Lightroom CC Classic 2018 doesn't seem to work with it. The support person did say to frequently purge the cache since it will build up over time and be the most likely culprit to slower performance when you are working in long sittings.
My next step is to contact Apple to see if there's a graphics processor driver update, but I don't have high hopes for things working well between these two vendors.
I hope this helps others!
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Downgrading immediately. This new update, what I assume is a Beta version, is horrible.
Using transform with rulers on basically every image. With the new version that´s not possible anymore, unless there is a workaround that I´m not aware of. Without this functionality I can´t deliver the quality that´s expected.
BTW, are most of u guys mac users? It seems Adobe almost stopped updating and support for mac users. Windows users have a lot more funcionalty in their versions. Sitting in an office with both systems. Very annoying.
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What seriously? I would have thought Mac users were Photoshop's key audience. Using a 5 yr old iMac with a brand new SSD and PS is struggling to open a 30MB file.
Been thinking about upgrading my computer lately and seriously reconsidering the whole "Mac is Great for design" crap. At their current prices, starting to think a custom PC might be a better approach, especially is Adobe suite isn't cooperating.
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Same issue here with latest Oct 2018 update. Couldn't even save a simple png without it taking 20 minutes...
Switched back to CC 2017.
No problems.
Wish Adobe tested out any bugs before launching updates... smh.
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Same problem for me. Upgraded to CC2019 a couple of days ago on my iMac and I've spent more time watching 'Type Rendering' progress bars and spinning beachballs than I care to mention. I am uninstalling and reinstalling 2017 now. There's no point using flashy, new updates if I can't work efficiently. What a waste of time. There should be a minimum performance warning every time they release a major update. And thanks for removing all my workspace preferences across the suite so I have to rebuild them from scratch, yet again.