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Photoshop CC Files just deleting off my computer

New Here ,
Dec 22, 2018 Dec 22, 2018

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Hi everyone!

I'm having a serious problem. I've tried googling it, but it hasn't helped so far.

I'm using the most updated version of Photoshop CC.

Some of my work (three different works to be exact) have literally 100% disappeared from my computer.

One of them I had been working on for weeks! I am 100% positive each one was saved. After the first one disappeared, I've been placing my other important works on my desktop.

Today I got on to do some more work and the file is literally non existent. I have searched through EVERY SINGLE file on my whole computer. Literally one by one, every single one. I searched the trash can multiple times! Doesn't exist. So I saw it in my recents on the opening photoshop page, go to click on it and it just says the file cannot be located.

These are files I will work on, then not even touch for a day or two. I'm getting extremely annoyed and upset since I've been putting a lot of effort into my work. Today I'm working on something for my fathers birthday and I'm terrified it's going to disappear! I've duplicated it and will upload it to another hard drive.

My computer has storage, however it's super old. Does that have something to do with it?






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Community Expert ,
Dec 22, 2018 Dec 22, 2018

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If you don't have one, you need to have either an external hard drive for backup copies... or at least a high capacity USB flash drive for copies

After the first time a file disappeared I would have been copying files to an external of some kind

A possibility is this USB3 dock with fan to swap drives http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-SuperSpeed-Docking-Station-Cooling/dp/B0055PL2YI or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147511 and a "bare" Sata drive




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Community Expert ,
Dec 22, 2018 Dec 22, 2018

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I'm assuming Windows.

I would look at doing some disk maintenance. Disk Cleanup, Check the disk for errors and try disk defragmentation.

Get a utility that can check on the health status of your drive: https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystaldiskinfo/

If you can, check your cables by unplugging and plugging them back in. Contacts get oxidized and can cause problems.





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Oct 06, 2019 Oct 06, 2019

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Just wondering if you got to the bottom of what was causing this? I have a customer come to me with exactly the same problem, and I have been able to reproduce it.


The computer apppears to be healthly and virus free.








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Community Expert ,
Oct 06, 2019 Oct 06, 2019

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Files disappear for two reasons:


One, the disk is failing, maybe just for a brief moment. This can be a loose connector or bad cable, so obviously external drives are much more vulnerable to this.


Two, the file isn't saved where you expect it to be. Always pay strict attention to where you are saving! There is a checkbox in Preferences to Save As to original folder. I have this unchecked, which means it will remember last folder. That's pretty handy, because if I slip up, I can just try to save a new file and see where it goes. That's where the last one will be.


There is a gotcha if you use Lightroom. If a file comes from Lightroom into Photoshop, and you Save As to a different folder in Photoshop, Lightroom is still maintaining control as long as it's open. So next time you just hit "save", it will not go to where you saved it from Photoshop, but instead go right back to the original folder of raw files, as a PSD with an "-Edit" suffix.


Another gotcha applies to Mac only, when you have the desktop in iCloud instead of locally. I would never do that, but if you do, files saved to the desktop can disappear.






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Oct 07, 2019 Oct 07, 2019

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Thanks for the reply, but the problem I see is not related to any of the problems you articulate and it is 100% repeatable.. 1. I copy image files from SDcard to new folder on dekstop 2. Open photoshop and edit a file from this directory and save changes to a subdirectory 3. Close photoshop, and most files, directories and links are removed from desktop.. the new folder and subdirectory exist but are empty. Any idea would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Steve




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2019 Oct 07, 2019

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are you certain the actual files are copied over and not a shortcut/alias linking to the SD card? I've seen this before. As soon as you remove the SD card, the files disappear.




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Oct 15, 2019 Oct 15, 2019

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I am absolutely certain I am not doing this on the SDcard, in fact it is removed.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2019 Oct 07, 2019

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I just did exactly what you describe, to the letter, and nothing disappears. It's all here.


Just to be crystal clear - you are not doing this directly off the card, you are copying to the desktop first?


And your desktop is a local one, on your machine, not in some Apple or Microsoft cloud?




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Oct 15, 2019 Oct 15, 2019

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The SDcard has been removed after I copied the files to the desktop




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New Here ,
Aug 03, 2020 Aug 03, 2020

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Has Your issue been resolved ? I am currently facing the same issue. At the first time, I just completed a project which took several days to be done. I had many more JPEG, PNG, Mp4 and ZIP files on my desktop; They were all part of a project I was working on but when I closed all my programs (Chrome tabs, Photoshop, MS Word, Notepad) and was just about to shut down, all of a sudden I was shocked and fumed to see a completely empty desktop screen with Only ONE damn remaining item THE BLOODY RECYCLE BIN. 


I thought it was due to the cause of some malware. I Bought the AVAST premium membership and felt secured that now my work is secured to it's maximum absolute (as it was the first time I was Using a paid AntiVirus).

I again worked a whole week on another project and experienced the exact same problem, the only difference was that this time I only Closed One Program Adobe Photoshop.

At that time I assumed that Photoshop might be the cause of this and so only to test I copied a few files on my desktop and opened up Photoshop and Closed it again, BINGO, my assumption was a fact now and so from that day on all what I do, I save it in My D Drive partition. Nothing Happens to the D drive but whatever I save on my LOCAL DISK (DESKTOP) gets deleted after closing photoshop.

There is no virus, No malware, Not Drive errors. The Most Absurd part is that the files are literally being wiped of from existence. There is no history, No RAW files, Nothing. I have checked multiple times with many various ways but I am unable to Solve This.

I am Using Latest Photoshop CC.

Kindly provide some guidance ANYONE ???




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New Here ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Hello, I'm experiencing the same problem, at first I thought my laptop was hacked or gad a virus  but then, I remembered that I accidentally opened Photoshop, and when I closed it, all the downloaded files from my disk were deleted, even those in the documents. And everytime I open my Photoshop my files would still be deleted. I was wondering how you fixed the problem? 





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Explorer ,
Jan 25, 2022 Jan 25, 2022

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Just to add that the same thing happens to me. I work on a file then close it. My cowerker then edits the file. I then open it again and woork on it. When I save the file it now dissapers. I'm working in Photoshop CC and my coworker is working inn CS2. We're working of a Western digital NAS connected by an Eternet cable, Both pcs are Dell workstaions. 




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 09, 2024 Sep 09, 2024

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I have experienced this issue twice now in the last few weeks, loosing roughly 20 hours of hard work. It's interesting to see that Adobe has known about this issue for years and doesn't seem to care at all.




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