Photoshop CS5 all menus grayed out
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Photoshop file after working on image all the menus go grayed out. Able to save file but can not select any menus. After you save the image quit and then reopen file works fine. This has happened 5 times today.
Tried the file in CS3 Photoshop and have not had this problem
Imac G5 2 GHz Intel Core Creative Suite Master Collection.
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Done. Preferences have been deleted, but the problem still occurs.
It only occurs on this one file ((I've sent the file to Chris Cox and Jeff Transberry if you'd like to try it yourself. They couldn't replicate it even with that same file.) Other files I can open and save and everything is fine.
It always occurs right after I save this one file, regardless of whether I use CMD-S, choose from the menu, or close the file and answer "Yes" when it asks if I want to save it.
When it gets into this state neither menus nor keyboard shortcuts work. To quit Photoshop I have to right click on its Dock icon and choose Quit from there.
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We would appreciate if any of you could get a screen recording of this problem for us, so we could see what was done prior to this problem started occurring... Please use Jing ( for this purpose. Thanks a lot for your help!
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Dan, I was finally able to repro in-house with your file. The key was saving to a sufficiently slow drive to bring up a progress bar for the save command. We're working on determining the exact cause and a fix. Thanks for your help!
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Good to hear, Jeff. Yeah, I'm on a laptop, so it's a fairly slow drive. And it's a large file with tons of layers, so I see the progress bar for a long time when I save it.
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Dan, excellent. Thanks again for the help and feedback.
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(and, of course, I'm testing on 8 core MacPros and rarely see a progress bar...)
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Are you getting a progress bar dialog while saving prior to problem started happening?
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Any news on a solution for this - I just bought CS5 a few days ago and need to print out the file I am working on urgently but all I get are the greyed out menus. Very frustrating.
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We're working on an update. You should be able to use keyboard shortcuts until you're able to restart Photoshop to correct the issue.
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This won't solve to problem but I always proof from a file to the exact size of my final print flatten and reduce the 240 ppi
I then name it with the letter p t the end proceeded by the measurements like 8511 for 8.5 x 11.
This will actually save you ink and a lot of time spooling to your printer, since flattening won't save change your colors and the resolution will not effect the quality of the print you lose nothing but a small amount of hard drive space. Also did you try doing a save as instead of a save. If it is really complicated and is a large file as you say then doing a save as on your unit, I assume a laptop is going to help were as a save is only going to add to the problem each time you do a save.
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Same issue here, happened today twice. I have unibody macbook pro with 8mb ram and 2.93 processor, wouldn't say that my machine is slow. Moreover i can't zoom in with the shortcut CMD + is not working, but CMD - is working fine. Had to quit and reopen the application. As I understand there is no solution for this issue. Personally, wouldn't say that its a major problem which pisses me off, but closing down and reopening everything is a bit irritating. Did you guys track the bug in the code?
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Update to 12.0.1, please.
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Your posts are blank, there's absolutely no text in them.
It happens often to users who attempt to use email to participate in the forums instead of accessing the web interface directly.
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yet another totally blank post by martinbay:
Click on thumbnail
Try the web interface at:
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Thank you for pointing out my blank posts. Why have they been blank? The email generated by Jive Software indicates you can go back to the blog thread or reply via email. Doing the latter generates a blank post. Following the thread requires that you do another login if you have left Jive (appropriately branded). If you do not login again, the "reply" link does not appear. Single sign on is a big issue and typical requirement at Fortune 500's. So is having to repeatedly login.
As I understand it, the menu gray out issue will be addressed in an update. But if a relatively new iMac is too SLOW to use PS CS5, that is an Adobe issue, not an Apple hardware one. This isn't 1994, when software upgrades virtually required power users to upgrade their hardware.
-- Martin
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martinbay wrote:
Thank you for pointing out my blank posts. Why have they been blank?…
Because Jive software is cr@p. Period.
Wo Tai Lao Le
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Wo Tai Lao Le,
Thank you for confirming what I suspected. I called jive "immature." It behaves like an Open Source product -- a work in progress.
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martinbay wrote:
Wo Tai Lao Le,
Thank you for confirming what I suspected. I called jive "immature." It behaves like an Open Source product -- a work in progress.
It's actually obsolete software, not a work in progress. Adobe decided to go with a substantially older version of the software at discounted prices rather than the current one at full price. Adobe also chose not to pay for a customer support service contract and decided to go with the free support at the Jive forums. It has been openly documented at the Adobe "forum comments" forum and in the public discussions at the Jive forum.
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Jive used here is an old version... I stand corrected. So there's no 'go forward.' Adobe employees, any comments?
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Try posting here:
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Thank you for pointing out my blank posts. Why have they been blank? The email generated by Jive Software indicates you can go back to the blog thread or reply via email. Doing the latter generates a blank post. Following the thread requires that you do another login if you have left Jive (appropriately branded). If you do not login again, the "reply" link does not appear. Single sign on is a big issue and typical requirement at Fortune 500's. So is having to repeatedly login.
As I understand it, the menu gray out issue will be addressed in an update. But if a relatively new iMac is too SLOW to use PS CS5, that is an Adobe issue, not an Apple hardware one. This isn't 1994, when software upgrades virtually required power users to upgrade their hardware.
-- Martin
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Now you have duplicate posts.
And the 12.0.1 update already addressed this issue.
It isn't that the machines are slow, but that a bug in the handling of the progress bar caused the problem.
Most people never even see the progress bar, so they don't see the problem. But if you have a slow system or a slow hard disk, or a really long operation - you will see the progress bar more often.
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Mr Cox, thank you for the stating the obvious about my duplicate posts. You addressed nothing in my post. Duplicate explanation: I experienced a high severity bug on the copy/paste function involving my index finger. The difference is that I'm neither selling my finger as a market leader software tool nor offering it as a trial product before effective QA is complete. The fix is in this message.
The menu gray out bug should have been addressed pre-release of PS CS5. While I own the CS3 Suite, I downloaded a free trial or PS CS5, so the 12.0.1 update will not help me to the extent 30 days have just passed.
I've heard about my iMac being "too slow," and experienced UI issues with immature Jive blog software. If you Adobe employees cannot be constructive on these matters, don't comment. I know at least 5 publications that would take this Photoshop bug story and run with it. Do you know what, "For Immediate Release" means?